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UraniumCityFilms.com re-design

A simple change, but it works. I like the landing page.

Maybe add some more space between the films, a few returns, to separate them from one another?

Dig those Chump Threads! ;)
I like the vibe. I do see where you're coming from with the 'cluttered' comment as far as the 'films' page is concerned. But it's still quite simple to navigate and straitforward so I don't think it hurts the site, really. Perhaps some form of video slideshow or a filmography that links to separate pages could be less cluttered, but it's not really a big problem for me as a 'surfer.' :)

The whiskey page would look more polished if you could get some uniformity in the pictures (size and color/background wise). Right now it looks like you found them all on google images and didn't touch them up. So maybe some photoshopping to make them transparant pngs would be a good start. Then making them the same width and maybe creating some sort of border (or depending on your PS skillz, a 'wine rack' type thing?

Just some random thoughts, take 'em or leave 'em. Love the landing page, btw. And the bio :D

ps: why not put up some of that music you mentioned? I'd listen :cool:
Dready's got an idea with the filmography page. The films already have individual pages, just put everything but the posters onto those landings.

The Tank submenu is showing up wrong, at least for me. It looks like a redundant menu unless you rollover and, even then, only changes on news. It's the right idea, though, different pages for news, media, etc. A good model for the other film pages.

I don't have a problem with the landing page, but have you thought about featuring your logo on the main landing? The mission statement/BIO link, quote, and menu would still be there.

The whiskey page is a total non sequitur...but I dig it.
Thanks for the tips, everyone. My PS skills are nil...you totally nailed it, I did Google image searches and nothing more. Ha! I'd love a wine rack or whiskey cellar motif. Have to do some consulting.

As for the music, Dready, you can viddy the old catalog here: http://uraniumcityfilms.com/Recordings. Each cover should link to a detailed page about each release, but the album artwork disappeared when I merged sites. There are clips in each one. Had a lot of fun with this micro-label...traded the world over and met some great freaks. One of my discs was even named one of Wire Magazines Top 10 Micro Label Recordings in 2003.

I recorded under four names: Joezef K, Waterbloop, The Whitey Vanderkamp Blues Catastrophe, and The Charles Beaumont Demolition Syndicate.
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