Upgrading your Indietalk

Hello Everyone,

So I've been considering upgrading to the premium status here on the website, for a couple reasons. Firstly, I'd like to have a bigger inbox, and I'd like to support the website. Beyond being part of the community, I see this website as a wonderful tool for film making. But I am curious - Are the 'premium' forums worth utilizing? It seems like with the abundance of categories in the free forums, using the premium forums could actually hinder the response from your posts, considering far less people view the threads.

So, premium users, why did you decide to go premium? Do you find it beneficial?
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Very late last year I upgraded to Premium and I think it's a great thing to do. The amount of money you pay is reasonable considering membership lasts for a whole year, and within a year there's so much that could happen on these forums in terms of making professional contacts, and having in depth discussions on topics.

As for the other sections of the forum only available to non-paid members, I still think the premium section is worth accessing because it's a place where you can feel free to post sensitive film related posts regarding some footage you shot that you want a professional opinion on without the entire internet being able to see it yet, things like that for example. By the same token, the sections of the forum available to non-paid members is a good place to post things too so it depends on what you want to post and the conditions within which you feel comfortable posting.

I can assure you too that in the premium forums there are no threads discussing members of this forum, so it's not a secret society that criticizes non-paid members of IT behind their back and if that were to happen it would be swiftly kicked in the behind right away.
As for the other sections of the forum only available to non-paid members, I still think the premium section is worth accessing because it's a place where you can feel free to post sensitive film related posts regarding some footage you shot that you want a professional opinion on without the entire internet being able to see it yet, things like that for example. By the same token, the sections of the forum available to non-paid members is a good place to post things too so it depends on what you want to post and the conditions within which you feel comfortable posting.

This is a very valid point I hadn't reached; I could see how the confines of a closer knit forum could prove beneficial. Thanks!
The big PM box sure is sweet. Ditto for being able to quickly throw up attachments, instead of uploading to an image site and then finding the url.

Having a sig-space is pretty awesome - could I interest you in some movie-themed collectible vinyl figures, perchance? :D

The best bit about Prem status is that all the horrific-looking inline adverts are no longer visible. There's still the three or four banner ads, but everything is so much uncluttered without those friggin' inline ones that attach to random text in a post. I hate those with a passion. All gone :)

As far as the Prem forums... yup, definitely much quieter in there. Much more action out in the freebie area, but it can be cool to have a private area available. I would not consider it a main selling point, though, for getting Prem status. When I do use it, though, the responses are more well-measured than what one might find in the freebie section. It's also where I feel more comfortable posting projects I'm working on, both for feedback & neener-neener reasons.

You can look at it this way - if you ever bumped into Dan in a bar, you'd prolly want to buy him a beer for making such a cool forum. Since you likely won't, put that beer money into a Prem membership instead. :abduct:

Oh, another really cool thing you can do is click on the members' box (on the right), and sort by time to see who is doing what on the forums. Great way to see where the hot threads are right now, etc. Great trollin' tool. :bag:

Dooooo eeeeeeeet! :yes:

My primary reason for my premium membership is to support the site. I own a number of forums and it can get a bit spendy maintaining them. I also hate the inline adverts so much that I do not have them on any of my sites. The direct uploading of attachments is worth the price of the membership by itself.
I resubscribe because I've gotten a lot out of Indietalk over the years and I'd like to help it continue.

There are some good things like the expanded inbox and no advertising, but I do think it's a shame that the Premiere forums aren't used very much. When I first became a Premiere member, they were quite busy and there were some Premiere member in-jokes (like the 'FREE RED RENTAL' thread). But it's a bit of a ghost town these days, maybe because there seem to be fewer Premiere members generally.
I've always asked myself the same question. My question is whether the quality of responses is better.

For example, I met an Oscar nominated DoP at a private film festival. Other than the absolutely fantastic (free) food, lovely invite and amazingly lovely cinematic experience, the ability to ask an Oscar nominated DoP all the bone-headed questions possible was an outstanding experience. He was there because someone hired him for a short and the short was absolutely incredible cinematically, as good as anything I've ever seen. What was even more amazing was this was shot with a 5D MkII with stock lenses and shown on a full cinema screen. I couldn't shoot like that if you gave me half a dozen Arri Alexas!

This DoP kindly handed out some basic, intelligent and clear advice for relative noobs. The first time I posted a piece of advice from him on IT (without revealing it was an Oscar nominated DoP), I was told by multiple posters that the person giving the advice was clearly some kind of idiot... so I stopped putting any advice on here that I gleaned from him.

So in the paid part of the forum, is this any different? Is it possible to genuinely share advice without lots of noise getting in the way?
I can assure you too that in the premium forums there are no threads discussing members of this forum, so it's not a secret society that criticizes non-paid members of IT behind their back and if that were to happen it would be swiftly kicked in the behind right away.

There goes my incentive to go premium.;)
I resubscribe because I've gotten a lot out of Indietalk over the years and I'd like to help it continue.


I've learned so much from so many here, I had to pony-up for a few years. Haven't really used the PM forums and capabilities yet, but eventually...
I resubscribe because I've gotten a lot out of Indietalk over the years and I'd like to help it continue.

There are some good things like the expanded inbox and no advertising, but I do think it's a shame that the Premiere forums aren't used very much. When I first became a Premiere member, they were quite busy and there were some Premiere member in-jokes (like the 'FREE RED RENTAL' thread). But it's a bit of a ghost town these days, maybe because there seem to be fewer Premiere members generally.

The 'FREE RED RENTAL' thread alone makes me want to become a Premiere member.
For me it was the bigger inbox, the lack of inline ads like Steve comments but the biggest was supporting the site. Currently I'm super low on cash which is why I didn't refresh the premiere just yet. The option to have an auto signature is also pretty cool.

The premiere forums were a little quiet though, pretty dead :(
For me, the premium threads are best for making fun of non-members. I mean, c'mon, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

In addition to that, it's also true that I absolutely would be NOWHERE near where I am as a filmmaker, if it weren't for this website. Seriously, IT has had a tremendous impact on my ability to grow my skills, while networking with other great people, so I just feel like I need to throw a few bucks in to support it. :yes: