Thanks for the crit, Boz. I've learned much since then and appreicate you taking time for watching at least a couple minutes of it
I agree about the roughness of the opening credits, but I disagree about the length of the credits. I actually like long credits in the beginning (if they supply visuals). I think it is just a personal preference though. Although, the credits have absolutely nothing to do the film itself, except for the smoke.
The camera couldn't have a more omnidirectional mic on it You work with what you have or so I'm incessantly told
The wash out or, as I call it, "the overwhelming radiance" was done on purpose. It starts off (after the credits) with a semi-bright and cheerly mood. As it the film goes on the light changes into darkness and thus changes the mood. Darkness can be very decieving. But it could have been controlled better and I failed to do so.
"You know how you walk away from some conversations thinking, "Gosh I could have said blah blah blah and that would have been really cool." When you makes films, you get to go back and do just that."
Yeah, I wanted to do that with most of this film, but my friend doesn't like to 'invest' time into making films.

Ha, I need to find a fun, but solemn film group. He isn't that agreeable and really isn't interested in this type of thing. He just wanted to 'go with the flow' and just adlib everything

As a friend, I made sacrifices and as did he, I guess. Otherwise, there would have been more dialogue.
I fixed the compression, but I can't find a good upload site. I don't have my own website to upload files to and I can't find any "free" uploading sites. Any ideas for this? Thanks again, Boz.