Ungrounded electricity and monitor Eizo requires grounding....

Hello. I am going to Gran Canaria (Spain) in march and I am bringing my Eizo SX2262W. I have learned that almost no buildings in Gran Canaria have grounded electricity. How may I still use my monitor in Gran Canaria? In the manual it says that it must be grounded otherwise electric shock or fire may occur.

Any tricks which could make it a bit safer to use?

The monitor is bought in Norway and therefore 220 volts, but I guess the principles should be the same (220 volts matches the voltage in Spain / Europe)...
I'll be compeltely honest with you.
I use a lot of three pronged stuff with ungrounded 2 prong adapters...
It's not a responsible thing to do, nor safe. I don't leave them plugged in at night. I don't know how will your monitor react to this tho...
I lived in Spain for almost a decade and i did use many devices with three pronged plugs by using an adapter which turned them into two prong plugs. I cant tell you its safe but i can tell you i never had a problem.

No guarantees, though!
:) ?

Thanks guys. But what kind of adapter are we talking about. Does it have a specific designation? Did you buy it in Spain?

I lived in Spain for almost a decade and i did use many devices with three pronged plugs by using an adapter which turned them into two prong plugs. I cant tell you its safe but i can tell you i never had a problem.

No guarantees, though!
A friend of mine says that if I buy a grounded connector unit like this and hook it up with another device which also is suppose to be grounded there will be a kind of "grounding resonance" or grounding potential between the two devices. Could this be of use?