I found the voiceover to be unrealistic and very on the nose at times. Almost surreal. But that could be put down as my fault, and just the way I heard it in my head. I'm sure with the right actor, right voice, right music and atmosphere, it will sound good. Or maybe I read it actually as you intended it - very bravado...
After our introduction to Lehane, I was very surprised that he didn't resist or question Leon as he stood up and poured a drink - he instantly struck me as the sort of man to say something, but THEN quieten down after being told what's what. Instead, he just turns from this confident force, into someone scared to talk back. I must admit though, the flinch was a nice touch. I would have found the scenario, the transformation, more believable if there was a seed of possiblity shown to us, that he might have been nervous around Leon. Then again, the jock comment could be construed as just that, depending on how it was performed.
I find the story interesting. The story interested me before I even started reading. Domestic violence is something I've written about myself, so no worries there. I like that Leon feels so strongly about what he believes to be happening to the little girl, that he is willing to lose his job, just for the opportunity to step in.
I did like the last voice-over. It gave us the most insight into the protagonist compared to the whole script.
Something about the story seems unfinished, or under-developed. I think the problem is, we don't see any change after the meeting with Lehane. I want to see the remorse in his eyes, feel his fear of Leon, so that we get the feeling that Leon has swayed him, or at least scared him off. As you left it, there's no definite clue that Lehane will or wont change after the visit from Leon. This gives me the sense that there was no real productive event. No answer to the MajorDramaticQuestion: Can Leon change Lehane, to stop him abusing his daughter? Answer: We don't know. So we kind of feel short-changed there.
However, I admire your work on Leon. I feel like I know him well, and could predict his actions in other situations.
Good job overall. No technical problems. Your descriptions are nice and to the point. The story is interesting, and told in an interesting way, though it could be developed further, or added to. Characters have clearly defined roles and personalities. No spelling or punctuation problems. Nice start.