I was in a film that screened at Tromadance back in '09 or '10.

Didn't get to go myself, but one of the other actors & the director drove out. It was right on top of Sundance that year, so rooms were really hard to find, and they ended up finding some motel about 40 miles out of town.

That's all I know. :cool:
If you like being in the company of insane sleazebags with few filmmaking skills, half to barely dressed hot women acting like cheap hookers, you will certainly find me there somewhere. Lloyd Kaufman is a mentor to most no budget filmmakers churning out crapola and making decent money while exploiting women for cheap thrills. My hero !
Haha, I can't tell if that's sarcasm, but either way... it's pretty funny.

It's more satirical in my opinion. But anyway, if you ever take a look at Troma's website and films and even Lloyd's filmmaking book and DVD series "Make your own Damn Movie". It's amazing. Funny guy. This dude got Trey & Matt (creators of South Park) famous.

Basically Troma is like b-movies and b-movie parodies. They know their films can be rediculous at times but they have fun with it like Poultrygiest which is about zombie chickens attacking this KFC, lots of the jokes are so corny and full of crazy splatter comedy and like mentioned, there is a bit of nudity that is shown. But it's all in fun.

Anyway, TromaDance was inspired by Trey Parker and Matt Stone (South Park) saying their frustration with SunDance, so TromaDance is like a parody version of it and it's an underground film fest.

But like most fests it's once a year. But I think you can submit all year round and it's totally FREE both free of entry fee and even admission.

So kind of like what IndieBudget mentioned in a very witty funny matter :) lol, just check out there's a video trailer of what it's like. And it's exactly how Indiebudget discribed it. Very weird cool people wearing costumes and sexy women dancing around, like a huge party but watching b-movies.

It totally seems like a lot of fun, I love to go there, I think it's held in New Jersey.

But before I ramble on and on due to how much I love writing and message forums. lol Yes, I have submitted stuff to TromaDance but didn't get excepted. But I think it's like that with any film fest, but at least your not paying $50 and loosing it like most fest fees. lol

I'll totally try it again.

Basicly the movies I think they show there are comedy, a little bit of animation, and horror. So like I mentioned, it's more of a Underground fest.

I don't think they give out awards or even cash prizes, I'm not sure, if anything perhaps some cool Troma stuff. Which I'd love to add to my DVD collection. But like in the words of Lloyd, it's a fest for art and art lovers mostly.

So it depends on what kind of films you make and which direction you want your film making career to go in my opinion.