Tripod Suggestions....

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forum and just seeking some advice on getting a new tripod. The camera it will be supporting is a used Panasonic DVX100b. My budget would be $150 or less. This would be for general shooting. My skills are beginner/intermediate I am currently going to Scottsdale Community College at the film school there. Here is a link on a tripod I am considering: Link To Tripod on B&H ANy input on this tripod or a suggestion for a different tripod would be welcomed. What I do not like about this is they are screw tighten for feet extension. I have searched Ebay for better used tripod's but the choices are staggering. I would not hesitate getting a quality used manfrotto etc.. but do not know which model to look for when searching on ebay. So any suggestions for new tripods, or suggestions on which used models I can search for on ebay would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

whitney coffer
I have the same Quick-Set Hercules as in the craigslist ad.

It looks like it might be missing a foot (which is not easy or cheap to replace, but you can put a rubber cap over it) AND the tilt handle and maybe it's assembly, but if dude said like $50 I would personally (Not saying it’s worth it to you or that you should -at all) snap that bad boy up in a heartbeat. 150 lb capacity. It's God's gift to jib tripods. (Ask for more pictures of it)

EDIT: I take it back, it does look like the foot is there.

Good eye Wheat, good eye.

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amazing find. Thanks for the research. I just picked up a tripod off of ebay. However this looks like quite a steal. I might add it to my slowly expanding aresenal. I ended up getting a Manfrotto 3221S Tripod with 3063 Fluid Head. Picture found here CLICK I paid less then what I budgeted but a bit more then what I was hoping to get it for. I did a bit of research and it is a pretty well reviewed older head that was replaced by the 501 head I believe. SHould get it in a day or two but I am definately going to check out the one on craigs list as well. Will keep you updated.:cool: