Tripod question!

Question from me again...

I have a Manfrotto 190XDB and a 128RC2 and it is not stable enough for my RIG.

I am looking for a rather cheap alternative (I know, you shouldn't cheap out).. I'd upgrade it sometime later but I don't have the money right now.

So I am looking at 3 Tripods at the moment:

There is this: TRIPOD 1



At the moment, I am leaning towards Tripod 2 as the head looks a bit superior but what do you guys think?

Never heard of or used Fancier. That first one looks pretty good
but the third one looks (from the pictures) like the better sticks.

Second one looks really good, too. Never heard of Photxpro, either.

From the pictures it looks like any of the three will be fine on a
low budget.
Fanciers are popular for low budgeters. It's a Chinese brand of alleged good quality and represents a bang for your buck type purchase. They're also branded as weifeng and e image and others names too I think. Calumet photo sells them.
I have one of these: WF717-A

I just got a second T2i and wanted to go with your Tripod Number 1 for the new unit, the WF717. Then I reconsidered, because the 717A has a height advantage. Load capacity is 1kg less at 5Kg, as opposed to 6, but height for the 717-A is at 1600mm as opposed to 1330mm.

I have to say I love it. It's the best chinese product I've ever used. It's pretty damn good