Trailer Colors...

I just had this forwarded to me by one of my producers... interesting and pertaining to an old discussion here re: the cyan/orange look in many films.

Heh, I fugured the orange/blue would have been more 50/50 , but I guess the lighter colours win out generally.

Cool way to display a chart! :cool:
Of course, I knew it would be heavily weighted in that direction but didn't imagine is would THAT heavily weighted.

And yes, 'cool way to display a chart' indeed.

Thanks for sharing.
Upon further thought, I'd like to know how many trailers they have per decade on their site. Basically, some sort of a breakdown of their data pool.


2000 - now: 10,000
1990-2000: 1,000
1980-1990: 10
@Ernest: That would be cool and very informative to look at A) stylistic changes over time B) the moment that DI took over the grading world.

@Daniel: I note that there are spikes in all the Primaries and Secondaries, so perhaps it may not be the ratings screens... perhaps simply an interesting anomaly based on the digital application of color which can push and pull the 3 color channels (pure primaries -- blended to make pure secondaries) directly.