Toronto 48hour Film Challange

Alright guys, here's the scoop. I haven't been up to my usual 15 hour chat sessions and posting bonanzas because I've been prepping for the upcoming 48hour fest in Toronto. We've got a solid team of 9 stoutworthy folk who are dedicated and caffiene-dependant on board, and we're looking forward to a dashing good time.
I just went out today in the local area and actually got THREE locations to sign release forms and schedule us time slots for this upcoming weekend!!!
I only went to 5 places in total, and I'd say for a first time location scout I'm pretty dang happy with the result! I got "the Shakespeare Cafè", "the Tranzac Club" and "Seekers Bookstore". We'll figure out how we're going to use them when we get our challange pack, but I'm still in shock that we got all three locations in such short notice and nothing but a credit to offer in return. I guess passion for the arts still lives in the non-franchise world!

Anyway, I know there have got to be some fol out there who have done a 48-hour challange in some form, and I guess I'm looking for some advice and tips. I'm directing/producing this sucker, and I'm trying to follow a sort of condensed and frantic shooting format... but anyone who's done this before- I'd love to hear your stories!!

Anyone from Toronto in the competition?? I'd love to break your legs... I mean... meet you for leg breaking... er... eggs and bacon.... just kidding- it's gonna be a good time for everybody involved.

Wish me luck! Your moral support will get me through this! God knows putting this together is taking up all my free time and mental energy, but I'm using some of Clive's patented relaxation techniques, and all the accumulated advice from here. Indietalk is getting a special thanks in the credits for being a kick-ass resource and cyber-stompin' grounds. :D
The Los Angeles one starts on the 24th.

Never done a 48 hour one before... did the NYC Midnight Madness, though.That was 2 whole weeks, mind you... things still went south pretty fast.
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Looks like you're off to a good start... caffeine is the 100% natural replacement for sleep.

If I lived closer to Toronto, I'd definitely offer to join the team and particpate in the carnage.

Keep us posted (as much as possible given the time crunch) on this!
I did the first nyc midnight movie making madness which was 24 hours. Let me tell you, you will not need caffeine or anything like that, you will be running on pure adrenaline and will not feel anything until it is done, trust me, it is a great feeling. If you like it, try the 24 hour one in nyc next year.
good luck, spatula. i'm a toronto boy myself, so i'll definitely be routing for you.

oh, and i hope you booked your ticket for SIDEKICK's premiere screening on June 13th. we sold out friggin' fast. can't believe it, 500 seats and there's a waiting list.
Yeah Victory- I have two tickets booked! Congrats on your premiere being such a hit!
I'll be there... haggard, tired and worn out... but I'll be there.

Thanks everyone!
...there was just a 48 hour contest in Michigan also

GOOD LUCK! Love Toronto, I wish I could go! I wanna see what the results are!

The Austin 48 hr is I believe the 24th. I have a friend at work who claims to be in it, but he's not sure of the date (that to me would be one thing I'd memorize off the bat). I was gonna try and do it this year, but when I found out it would be in June I knew it would be impossible - I have two video projects for weddings to finish by early July, and oh yeah, I have to learn After Effects in order to do them.

So good luck to you sir Spatula. If you entry turns out anything like that little dish you offered up in the ITOOFC #3, those other Torontonianistocrats will be off little competition.

Spatula said:
I got "the Shakespeare Cafè", "the Tranzac Club" and "Seekers Bookstore".

I have not done a 48 hr project, but I did shoot in a cafe/coffee shop and a bookstore recently (on a film that will be making it's IT debut in a matter of days). The advice I'd hand out is, pay attention to sound!!! If you can, get someone with experience recording sound in a busy area. Our sound guy wasn't able to make it, so we ended up recording sound straight into the camera with a cheapo boom mic, and the sound issues were pretty bad. I've recorded in a busy restaraunt for work (where my cam has more control over the sound) and you can get good sound. But if you don't have someone that knows what they're doing, you could end up with real problems.

Again, Good Luck!

Poke said:
The advice I'd hand out is, pay attention to sound!!! If you can, get someone with experience recording sound in a busy area. Our sound guy wasn't able to make it, so we ended up recording sound straight into the camera with a cheapo boom mic, and the sound issues were pretty bad. I've recorded in a busy restaraunt for work (where my cam has more control over the sound) and you can get good sound. But if you don't have someone that knows what they're doing, you could end up with real problems.

Thanks Poke! You actually inadvertently solved a problem for me! Our sound guy is an freelance professional sound editor, so he knows how to play with levels, and we're going to do some audio tests with protools and the boom mic tomorrow and see what kind of set-up and noise reduction we can do. I'm going to bring a matress to block off any noise sources from the scene. Any other sound suggestions that can help for the cafe?

The bookstore owner agreed to come in early and do some sorting while we filmed, so we don't have to worry about any sounds- it'll be just us and him. It's the cafe I'm worried about. The part where we will be filming is right by the open front window that is on a busy street during rush hour. There will also be customers in the store eating. We'll try for as much timing and two camera shots with longer takes as we can, but would any sound experts care for a quick lesson?

And trust me, this will blow Sandwich out of the water. We have tripods this time! And lights! And a crew!

Thanks for the luck!