From the Director of "Terminator: Tides of Steel", comes the true life story of Canadian general Isaac Brock during the war of 1812. This film is an old fashion war epic filled with epic battles, romance, and stunning cinematography. Quite likely the only indie film of this era and style.
"Epic and Stunning!" (Inside Entertainment).
Winner of the 2005 SACHS and Hot Shots national film festivals.
Direct link to film:
If you for some reason have problem dowloading the film directly, than go here;
From the Director of "Terminator: Tides of Steel", comes the true life story of Canadian general Isaac Brock during the war of 1812. This film is an old fashion war epic filled with epic battles, romance, and stunning cinematography. Quite likely the only indie film of this era and style.
"Epic and Stunning!" (Inside Entertainment).
Winner of the 2005 SACHS and Hot Shots national film festivals.
Direct link to film:
If you for some reason have problem dowloading the film directly, than go here;