archived-videos Topic: New epic (no-budget) film about the war of 1812 now online!

From the Director of "Terminator: Tides of Steel", comes the true life story of Canadian general Isaac Brock during the war of 1812. This film is an old fashion war epic filled with epic battles, romance, and stunning cinematography. Quite likely the only indie film of this era and style.

"Epic and Stunning!" (Inside Entertainment).

Winner of the 2005 SACHS and Hot Shots national film festivals.

Direct link to film:

If you for some reason have problem dowloading the film directly, than go here;
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There were moments when I found myself wrapped up in the storytelling and forgetting this wasn't a hollywood production cool angles, epic locations and shots. They were brief, but present! I was usually snapped back by low-budget/experience problems, but the story telling was solid. Keep it up. Learn from the problems on this production and move forward wiser.

I enjoyed the split screen armies and the dog removal, having the soldiers rearrange and shooting multiple passes could have spruced up those marches alot.

Actors seemed inexperienced, but i'm sure they learned jsut as much as you did on this shoot. Enunciation is a killer for actors, Too much sounds stagey and too little sounds muddy. Finding that balance takes time, experience and training.

Direction can add alot to performances as well...take the time to slow your actors down a bit, new actors tend to deliver lines very quickly. I've been asking my actors to deliver with less inflection as well and it seems to be getting them to deliver the content of the text more naturally. The trick is to get actors to stop acting ;)

Can't wait to see the next one.
wholley shizzle!!! John Groshko is on Indietalk...

I have to say that I loved "Tides of Steel". I was very impressed with the limited cast and all the stuff you were able to do. I've been hearing about this new film and will definitely check it out... What's next on your plate?
Yikes! Almost an hour.

No way can I finish this tonight, but at 10 minutes in it's looking pretty good.

Some of the acting is a bit flat (and the ages seems a bit disconcerting) but it looks like a lot of effort has been put into this. It's been very enjoyable so far.

I don't know quite yet. At the 2005 Hot Shots Film Festival I won my own professional camera crew for a day, so I have come up with something to shot. I've been thinking I should create an entry for the next Project Greenlight (if there is one).

Other than that; I don't know.

Hope you all get to see the film soon.
I agree with Zensteve... I had the same experience, about 10 min of watching so far... some of the acting is dry, but I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of it.... I'll be watching it this weekend some time.