top-list Top Ten People... You'd like To See Meet A Nasty End

Hmmm... a tough one this but here's my top ten film people I'd like to see meet a very nasty end.

1. Uwe Boll... the scurge of Cinema. Untalented. And kills everything eh tocuhes!
2. J-Lo... Ugh! Out Of Sight Good. Everything else... VERY BAD! Monster In Law anyone?
3. Ben Affleck. The plank. Can't act, cant fight, cant be bothered to watch any more of his films
4. Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones... god these two make me sick.
5. Eli Roth. Shut him up please. Made one average film and produced another this guy seems
6. Tom Cruise... I love The Cruise. Great actor but the Opra incident and the whole Katie Holmes thing
makes me sick. How far can you go to promote a film? Does he know no shame!
7. George Lucas... killed star wars, raped by childhood NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!
8. Anyone who uses an award show to get across a half arses political manifesto (step forward Michael
Moore, Bono, Tim Robbins )
9. Gweneth Paltrow. Talentless, annoying waife with few redeaming features.
9.5 And for that matter anyone else who blubbers like a child at the Oscars! (SallY Field, Paltrow, Berry...
Hanks, the list goes on)
10. Tara Ried. Waste of space and air...
11. Not film related but come on guys. Why do all teh good ones get shot? Kenneddy... shot. Lennon....
shot. Goerge Bush.... alive. UGHHHHHHHH!

So any one else?
I tried that... but then almost ended up doing 25 years fro attempted murder of Uwe Boll...

CHRIST DOES ANYONE HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR HERE!!! Is it wrong to Criticize or do we have to love everyone and applaud mediocrity,.

What’s wrong with adding humor and a light, if some what cynical touch!

Phil Hobden
-- Modern Life?--
Ha! They fitted mine but I escaped. Seriously though I'm not sure why there is such an issue with being negative as well as positive. I'd rather hear someone say my work was rubbish than bloke smoke up my arse.

Our firts feature 'LefT For Dead' ( has had some great reviews but it's also had a couple of not so good reviews. And to be honest I enjoyed reading them more...

Fake praise and politeness does not help film makers (or anyone ) develop and honestly I have far more time for honest people than tactful people!

Phil Hobden
-- Modern Life?--
"Here's to you Johnny... Sucking My d**k!"
Maybe some members feel like saying someone should die simply because we don't like their acting or filmmaking goes beyond the realm of good or tasteful humor. I think you'd get more of an accepting response if the question was "Who do you love to hate?" instead of "Who do you wish would die?"

Not to split hairs but "You'd like To See Meet A Nasty End " isn't quite "Who do you wish would die?" but guys again take it in the vien intended! And lets be honest some people go beyond the "Who do you love to hate?" title.

Is this board really a case of sense of humor needed. Apply within.

If you want I'll wrap everything up in cotten wool and make sure all medicine is given witha spoonful of sugar... we'll looking at the wrong person!


The members of this site (mostly) are not lacking in humor, its just different people find different things amusing. There is such a thing as "bashing" humor -- many people enjoy it, and there are a LOT of sites out there that encourage it. The regular contributing members of this site just don't seem to share the same enthusiasm for it...that's all.
I think as filmmakers especially, we don't like to exaggerate how much we hate another person in the industry by saying we wish they were dead. If you tell a joke and no one laughs, does that really mean that no one in the room has a sense of humor? Or does it mean that the joke teller just told a really bad joke? Don't go saying that we have no sense of humor when you are the only one who thinks it's funny. We get it and we know it's a joke, but it's like a Jeff Foxworthy joke is all...not funny.

As someone who has a piipedream of getting noticed by the filmmaking industry, I feel it is not in my best interest to insult anyone on here. If by some bizarre coincidence, Uwe Boll were to offer me big $$ to help shoot his next picture, I wouldn't hesitate. If by some bizarre coincidence, he reads these boards as a lurker, he'll pick me over you now due to this thread...YES!!! I am so in!
Typically, I am one of the most sarcastic, crassest people around.. BUT...

See, sarcasm doesn't really come across as plainly in text as it does in speech...

This is the final coment I will make in this thread. It really is quite sad and a waste of time. Like I said initially.. do something more creative than to get on a filmmaking forum and complain about people in the industry.. if you don't like them do something better, and then when you get your oscar you can, in a non-political way of course, tell them all how silly they were to cry on that stage.

Oh.. oops, did a bit of sarcasm leak out there at the end.. my bad.
Sigh! I give up... I'll stick to nice topics.. . next top ten? My Top Ten Fluffy Moments In film...

Phil Hobden
-- Modern Life?--
Battering his head against a brick wall!
mrde50 said:
Like Will Ferrell...


I am hurt!
