top-list Top 10 Films You wish (Or Did) Walk Out On...

So many choices... although as of yetI have NEVER walked out of a film.

In no order:

1. Catwoman
2. Batman & Robin
3. Mortal Kombat 2
4. Kids
5. DareDevil (Directors cut is ace though)
6. Island Of Dr Moroux (sorry excuse typo)
7. Star Wars: Phantom Menance
8. Battlefield Earth
9. Matrix 2 & 3
10. Barbed Wire

Others: Rollerball (recent), gigli, jersey Girl, House Of The Dead, Resident Evil

Over to you guys!
hmmm.... good one.

1. A History of Violence (Perhaps if there was more time I could go on one of my 20 min rants)
2. Elizabethtown (Good music though, and the cinematography was good too)
3. The Lady Killers (Cohen brothers???)
4. Soul Plane (Large group, BAAADD choice)
5. Legally Blond 2 (In my defense, she is a really hot Bulgarian woman)

.... there are more but I believe I have blocked most of those memories.
I remember walking out at least two in one night. Walked out of High Fidelity after about a minute, then went to see Black and White, walked out of that and looked for something but everything had started, so I left. That doesn't mean these were bad movies, but if I'm not interested in the first few minutes, I've been know to walk out and slip into other theaters to see my second choices.
I braved a blizzard to go see lawnmowerman 2 based on the first movie...I sat through the whole thing then flagellated myself when I got home (yes, I know it's a top ten list...but have you seen this movie?) We were the only 3 people (besides the staff) in the theater that night.
I hate to say this but i actually walked out on the latest Harry Potter movie!!!

And why is because it was not my decision to go and see it. Too much of a kids film in my opinion.
I walked out of Blair Witch because my family began vomiting from motion sickness. Aparantly I missed a good ending to a generally sub-par film. the marketing campaign for that movie was brilliant though!

I went to see "Godzilla 2000" alone, and other than an 8-year old boy who walked out half-way through (thinking it was the sequel to the Matthew Broderick flick), I was alone to the end of the movie.
I quite liked it- if you ever see it in the discount bin, scoop it up- it's a classic example of horribly written & then horribly translated material.
Godzilla defeats the space alien, and then proceeds to devour the Secretary General. The little girl turns to her father (the danger-scientist) and says:
"Daddy, why does Godzilla keep saving us?" (presumably from either the space alien, or the secretary general)
Daddy: "Well... maybe there's a little Godzilla in us all!"
(fade to black on Godzilla... still wreaking havoc on the city)
The End.

Seriously- it's fantastic.
I've never walked out on a movie. I had to leave Rambo III early because my friends mom had a heart attack but that was more divine intervention.

I tend to watch bad films. You can learn just as much watching a bad film as watching a good one.
Phil, I have to say I would not go and see most of those films you listed there in theaters because I know I would leave. Friends dragged me to the recent Rollerball. Definitely wish I never went to see that.

Also went to see the first Harry Potter film with my little sis. I got bored, she got bored, and we left. We gave it a chance (almost 30 very long minutes).
...I remember hating What About Bob? and Cable Guy. The worst movie I have ever seen is a movie that was made in the 60's, but shown recently on IFC. It was called Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls. I don't care what anyone says about Plan 9 From Outer Space, this film has got to rival it in just being dismal...

--spinner :cool:
spinner said:
...I remember hating What About Bob? and Cable Guy. The worst movie I have ever seen is a movie that was made in the 60's, but shown recently on IFC. It was called Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls. I don't care what anyone says about Plan 9 From Outer Space, this film has got to rival it in just being dismal...

--spinner :cool:

HEY! Plan 9 has a charm... and Uwe Boll films make Plan 9 look like the Godafther
I liked Kids and A History of Violence. But had I seen Kids in the theater I probably would have been kicked out (I was 12 at the time). But I only recently saw Kids. I loved a History of Violence though - but I am just a fan of Cronengerg.

As for movies I've walked out on, Gladiator (it was the second feature at the drive-in) and it was also like 1-2 AM. I was not in the mood for Gladiator haha.
....awwww! I gotta add Aeon Flux to this list. Firstly, I am not really a action film person, so if I go to see one, I really want to see it. I really liked the anime Aeon Flux on MTV's Liquid Television so I was looking forward to this.

...well, unfortunately, I didn't recognize any of the characters as the characters I saw in the anime and I thought a few times 'maybe I should get up and leave but I just paid for this'....

....(sigh) and I was looking forward to this....what was I thinking?

--spinner :cool:
1) Ready To Wear
2) Natural Born Killers (My hubby thinks this is one of the best films ever made. The director's cut is WAY better.)
3) Madagascar (I have a child- I must endure)
4) Wallace & Gromit The Curse of the Were Rabbit- I know everyone's hailing it as fantastic, but I found it uninspired and uninspiring.
5) Bound In Silence (Dvd release with Christy Swanson and a Baldwin- horrible mild bondage soft core!)
6) Oceans Twelve (loved 11, couldn't sit through half of 12)
7) Grease II (I actually went to the movies to see it!)

Guess I can't think of 10 right now. Those will have to do.
I would have walked out of Artificial Intelligence, but it was just to much fun making fun of it! Honestly I can't believe Spielberg put his name on that.
Let's see how many rules of good storytelling we can break.
1. Kill off all your main characters
2. As if that's not enough let's kill of the entire human race
3. Where the hell did that narrator come from!
4. Let's end the movie with SPACE ALIENS that we've never seen before
I'm sure the audience will relate to this, here pass me some more crack.
Man, a lot of films named here are some of my favs. Just goes to show that one man's trash is another man's treasure.

Most of these I saw when I was managing a theater, so I didn't feel so bad about walking out of a movie I was seeing for free. Nowadays, if I know I have to pay for it, I'm not gonna go see a potential "walk out" movie.

"What Dreams May Come" - screened it at 3AM, I just hoped the last three reels were spliced together correctly.
"Scary Movie" - just didn't find it all that funny, but I liked David Cross in part two.
"Freddy Got Fingered" - The movie's only saving grace - "Daddy would you like some sausage? Daddy would you like some sausage? Daddy would you like some sausage?"
"Battlefield Earth" - Man what a stinka!

cnomad3d said:
I'm sure the audience will relate to this, here pass me some more crack.

... :lol: :rofl: ...

if you want to see a movie about "A.I." kiddies, for those who don't know, rent BLADERUNNER!!!! Okay????

--spinner :cool:
Superman 4
Independence Day
The Pest
James Bond-License to Kill
Ladder 49 (Couldn't walk out because I was on a plane)
Plannet of the Apes (Remake)
All of the new Star Wars movies. 3 sucked too.

Those are just some of my least favorite movies of all time.

I liked A History of Violence a lot. I also liked A.I.
DirectorX said:
Phil, I have to say I would not go and see most of those films you listed there in theaters because I know I would leave. Friends dragged me to the recent Rollerball. Definitely wish I never went to see that.

Also went to see the first Harry Potter film with my little sis. I got bored, she got bored, and we left. We gave it a chance (almost 30 very long minutes).

Ha! To be hoenst during mky time as a struggling writer (as opposed to now when I'm a struggling producer) I spent most weeks going to the cinema watching anything that came out.

you learn both good and bad. I learnt a lot from Gigli (J-Lo sucks, Affleck is wooden)... but I would never watch it again!