Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz on my street?!?!

I recently found out that Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz will be filming a movie right down the street from me.

I was thinking about checking it out when I got out of work on the 24th and 25th. I've never been around the set of a hollywood production before and was wondering how this type of thing works. Obviously I wouldn't be allowed on set of course, but exactly how close to the action do you guys think I could get?
Huh, I never really thought about trying to get a job as a PA there. I'll go down there and check that out tomorrow, thanks for the advice. I am a bit curious as to what type of stuff an 18 year old personal assistant would be doing and who I would be doing it for...
curious as to what type of stuff an 18 year old personal assistant would be doing and who I would be doing it for...

Carrying sandbags from A to B

Maybe back from B to A, as well. ;)

Production Assistants are awesome, but not glamorous.
I could care less about the glamorous right now. I'm 18 and would scrub toilets for them if it got me experience in the field. It's not like I need the money and can't afford to only intern, thats what my job is for.
Actually, on a Cruise-size movie, allowing a PA to schlep sand bags might be a union violation. ;)

Seriously, though, PA's do every-friggin'-thing that no-one who's being paid a reasonable wage wants to do. Last shoot on which I PA'ed I had to run all over town looking for just the right size/color/style of pullover for the director, who was cold and had neglected to bring one with him and wasn't about to borrow one from somebody. Needless to say he wasn't happy with my choice.

Shoot before that, I stood for 4 hours in a driveway making sure nobody pulled out while cameras were rolling. The excitement was palpable, let me tell ya.
oh god, i remember when i was a pa for a music video last summer, i had to go to a shipyard at 4 am and bake in the sun all day whilst doing random tasks. the morning was spent treacherously tip-toeing around on ships that were centuries old and pushing and pulling boxes of gear LITERALLY along a wooden plank. a particularly unsteady plank that was beginning to rot, almost causing me to fall 10 feet into staten island's newark bay. in the afternoon, we trudged through 3-4 feet deep mud that kept taking our rubber boots captive, almost to the point where we could not walk. at the end of the day (the shoot lasted from 5 am to around 6 pm), i had sun poisoning and terrible poison ivy. and did i get paid? no... but i did get a sandwich!
They are shooting sorta near my neck of the woods (New England). Lot's of actors around here are doing background work on that film...