Today is the day!

So, this is once again the first day of production. We have tried to start filming months ago but it always seem to be something wrong happening on the day of the shoot! So, I made it during summer so school wouldnt interfere with the shoot. Have this happened to anyone? How did you handle it?

Murpy's Law:

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Second addendum to Murphy's Law:

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way.

O'Tooles commentary on Murphys Law:

Murphy was an optimist.

Problems always creep up. The solution is extensive, exhaustive preproduction; detailed lists of everything; and completed paperwork before you begin production. Have contingency plans and back-ups for everything.

Above all, keep your cool! You are a general leading your troops into battle, and nothing rattles the troops more than a commander who is losing control.

If you've prepped to the max most of the problems will fail to occur and the ones that do will have minimal impact.
The top post is absolutely true--Murphy's Law will run a set, so all you can do is plan well in advance, and have back-up plans (a, b and c).

Also, don't try and shoot a film unless you have the time to...and if you hire actors and crew, make sure they not only have the time, but they will honor your schedule. Make a schedule...make it ahead of time, and stick to it. If your cast or crew have a habit of breaking that schedule, fire them and find someone who will follow your schedule. Don't be a push-over. I'm not saying be a Nazi...but have a plan and a schedule you intend to keep...if you ever want your movie finished, you have to keep to it.
Scheduling is a pita, to be sure. :)

It gets a lot easier when you start paying people, though.

Good luck! Hope today is your day! :cool:
I've always liked Tucker's Law:

"If some c**t can f**k something up, that c**t will pick the worst possible time to f**king f**k it up cause that c**t's a c**t."

Hope it goes/went well! (I'm not working out the timezones.)
Haha yes it went well! Nothing really went wrong other than the talent not really knowing how i wanted it but it fixed fast!
The summertime strategy seems to work for some of the SCAD film students around here. The downside in the end though is that there's no such thing as a perfect plan. Something is bound to go wrong at a thousand miles per hour no matter what you do. It all just depends on your resolve, resourcefulness and that of your cast and crew.

I hope it goes well for you. It sounds like you're definitely learning, and that's never a bad thing.
Enjoy your time on set and give focussed attention to anyone who asks a question... your job as the director is to answer them precisely. A director is a communicator of vision... be a good communicator.

Have fun on your shoot.
Enjoy your time on set and give focussed attention to anyone who asks a question... your job as the director is to answer them precisely. A director is a communicator of vision... be a good communicator.

Have fun on your shoot.

I'd add:

Be appreciative of the time they are giving you. If you ain't paying 'em, you're lucky to have 'em. Tell everybody thank you.

-- spinner :cool:
Filming of Field of Dreams was apparently postponed 6 months because the corn stalks weren't tall enough when they went to go shooting to get the desired effect.