Hi Everyone! hmm got a question im seriously in a debate over. Im a drama student in melbourne who is leaving for India in November for 2 months, staying with a indian family, visiting a wedding, having christmas there etc, doing this all with a indian friend and another drama student. I really want to document anything i can in India, i would love to film a subject of matter, weather it be a contrast show of indian student life with westernized living in Australia. so the question is should i film this myself.. splash out on a camera..if so which one? and remember i am a uni student with limited funds! will i be able to work it myself and still shoot a good few clips? I have people lined up to edit it when i come back, thats no problem its just this filming part! I also would like also to ask if anyone would like to join in on this journey whom has a passion for documentaries and filming? eg. someone aspiring to be a director, and someone maybe whom already has a camera!? anyway all ideas would be greatly appreciated. thanks heaps guys. even some ideas on the doco would be awsome!
Cheers, From Down Under,
Cheers, From Down Under,