This numbnutz has an editing question

Good evening.
I'm editing my contest submission here, and I'm running into two big problems... since this is my first solo edit I am running into brick walls here and my helmet is broken... I caved... I need help.

Clip sizing when I imported was at 100% so I adjusted the option to "fit to project scaling". That worked! The size would be 200% and everything was hunky-dorey.
HOWEVER... when I speed up some of the clips, the old size issue seems solved after re-adjusting the scale, but when I render it goes back to it's original size (despite still saying 200% scale). I'm baffled. How can I solve this diplomatically? Anyone have an answer?

And also... the video (without audio) is coming out around 30MB with maximum compression... could someone help me out on this... I would love for people to just list the compression options here that they use (my whole movie is 5min exactly). I used Sorensen3, Mpeg4... just no good!!!


Sor3 and mp4 are both good video codecs for QuickTime. (I'd favour mp4)

If you want to get it down to the 25mb or less, you'll want to play with the "Limit Data Rate" option, when exporting. It may take a bit of experimentation to get it just right. Try between 70 to 150 to find an acceptable compromise for size vs. quality.

Don't forget you'll need to compress the audio, as well. If you compress that too much, it may sound super-tinny... reducing the video datarate will allow more room for better quality audio.

It's a challenge in itself, exporting just right.


Not sure on your scaling issue. What are you using to edit with?
Premiere Pro. I'm still trying to find the right compression for audio... I lowered the data rate to 150 before... I'll lower it again... should I be messing with the "Quality" bar? I'd rather not, but if need be...
Exporting is a whole other specialty... thanks for the advice... I'll try them now...
PP1 or 1.5?

Exporting can be a real pain :(. I'm not sure I understand the size issue though. Can you explain it in more detail? I'll take a look at Premiere today (I use 1.5) and see what suggestions I can come up with.
Premiere Pro 1... I guess....

The size issue is this... I'll explain in a metaphor.
A big dog looks into a mirror, and sees a small dog. He realizes the mirror is refeacting wrong, so he adjusts the mirror with his palm to make him turn back into a big dog again. All seems to work, but when he runs really fast or goes really slow, the dog in the mirror goes back to the small size when he tries to show other people.

OK- now without metaphor.
The clips were surrounded by a black box (half size, even though it was at 100%... I figured out that they were captured in half-size, so adjusted the project settings)... but when I speed up clips, they revert to half size when rendered. It's all fine until I render. The other (non-speed-adjusted) clips don't have that problem!
I just imported in "MovieMaker" and imported to premiere... the clips were all the small size until I changed the project settings... now the clips I speed up revert to thier former glory.
I scale them up again, and after rendering, the scale doesn't change, but they go back to small size.
hmm. I'm 99% sure that the problem has to do with importing in moviemaker. I don't think you can import full resolution can you? Can you try importing via premiere and slowing down?
Well, the problem with that is that my cameraman wouldn't leave his camera, and even though we got the right drivers, premiere wouldn't recognize it... and he had to go home to work at 6AM... so I just did what I could with MovieMaker...
I fixed the problem though. I adjusted the clip speed in movie maker, and re-imported it into premiere... this film is coming along, but it's going to have to be jerry-rigged all the way...