I'm sure quite a few of you have seen this before, but...
Camera angles are probably the most overlooked part of chromakeying. In production it's a good idea in your shot logs to note the camera height, focal length of the lens used, aperture and if it's a really detailed shot, even angle. Then when either building a digital BG or shooting plates you can use the same settings and it'll match a lot better. Not 100% necessary for every shot, but it helps on complex ones.
A clean key is made with an even lit greenscreen. It's. It fun trying to fix and key one that isn't.
Also, matching lighting is important. If the talent is heavily back lit but the the plates aren't, it'll stick out. Most of those shots added shadows in too.
Other than that? Your magic post talent comes in handy haha.
So can anybody provide some info on some good tutorials on compositing and set extensions. I don't mean tutorials on "here, put her on a green screen and then put her on a static plate of the himalayas," I mean like "here's how you plan a moving shot with the camera on a steadicam"
anyone know of such tutorials???
If you have a little money to spend, this series has been getting rave reviews. Mine just showed up today (along with the camera work series since the bundle was 40% off).
Thanks for that link. Very much looking forward to your review on the package.