This is a little old, but inspiring!

I'm probably the last one to the party, but I just discovered the "Storm Freerunning" video on Vimeo. In case you haven't seen it, enjoy:

What is really inspiring about this video is the fact that there was no budget and relatively little equipment for the whole thing -- plus it was all shot guerrilla-style on the streets! The awesomest part is the shot at 3:03, which was achieved with roller skates holding a tripod, plus Deshaker (which I personally use and love). The whole writeup is here and discusses the no-budget approach to the project:
Those freerunner athletes are half insane; half genius. Gotta do it while ya can, I guess.

Interesting notes they have in there, for the shutter-speed, when shooting 60fps.

shot at 3:03, which was achieved with roller skates holding a tripod

I picked up quadskating again a few months ago, to accomodate such a request. (Well, with a shoulder-mount) Opens up a lot of options, for interesting camera movement.

Very well shot vid. Thanks for link. :cool: