This irish media student needs you

Hey, I'm doing a Virtual Ethnography assignment for Digital Cultures and thought what better than writing a (3,000 word) report on Indie Talk! A Virtual Ethnography is the study of people interacting in an online community.

Basically I'm looking at how the Indie Talk online and offline communities differ, and I need your help. Please answer these questions for me and I'll love you for eternity.

1 – What is your age, gender, location?
2 - How often do you visit the forum?
3 - How often do you post on the forum?
4 - Do you feel the Indie Talk forum offers a sense of community? How does it differ to the offline Film Making community?
5 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on the forum, than offline face to face?
6 - Does being part of the Indie Talk forum influence the films you watch?
7 – Does being part of the Film Society in general influence the films you watch or the films you want to make?
8 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than just offline?
9 – What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the Indie Talk forum?
10 – Do you communicate with any Indie Talk members on MSN or any other messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small talk?
11 – Do you communicate with any Indie Talk members offline? Give examples.
12 – Do you communicate with Indie Talk members more online or offline? Why do you think this is?

Even if you don't answer all the questions, or answer in depth it'll still help me. And if there's anything else you think would be useful for me to know than tell me that also.

Hi Dan, I don't mind being the first to start.

1 – What is your age, gender, location?
34/M/Richmond, VA (USA)

2 - How often do you visit the forum?
Way too often (at least daily, more on days off).

3 - How often do you post on the forum?
See question #2.

4 - Do you feel the Indie Talk forum offers a sense of community? How does it differ to the offline Film Making community?
Yes it does, in whatever way you can have a community online. Obviously, this kind of interaction isn't the same as being able to call a friend and ask them to help you on your shoot this weekend, but the regulars of this forum get to know each other, for better or worse, and I think most of us would agree that the support we offer each other is a great thing to have.

5 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on the forum, than offline face to face?
I wouldn't be a director if I had any difficulty voicing my opinion, in any context.

6 - Does being part of the Indie Talk forum influence the films you watch?
A little bit, but not much. I just watched "Rear Window", because Ernest suggested it (it's good). For the most part, though, my viewing habits were solidified a long time ago.

7 – Does being part of the Film Society in general influence the films you watch or the films you want to make?
No. Well, okay, a little bit. I enjoy watching ultra-low-budget features, especially ones that are produced locally, in my region, whereas in the past, I never would've done this. It's fun to see what other people in my shoes are doing.

8 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than just offline?
Yeah, you need to become fluent in smiley-ology.

9 – What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the Indie Talk forum?
The diversity of the people you get to share ideas with.

10 – Do you communicate with any Indie Talk members on MSN or any other messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small talk?
I've become Facebook friends with a number of Indietalk members, but our primary form of communication is through this forum.

11 – Do you communicate with any Indie Talk members offline? Give examples.

12 – Do you communicate with Indie Talk members more online or offline? Why do you think this is?
Because none of them are in my region. Otherwise, I'd love to meet and collaborate with many of them.
1 – What is your age, gender, location?
Young, male, The British Isles/London
2 - How often do you visit the forum?
A lot, given that I've only been a member since August.
3 - How often do you post on the forum?
Every day, at least.
4 - Do you feel the Indie Talk forum offers a sense of community? How does it differ to the offline Film Making community?
The offline film making community won't let me play! On a more serious note, I'm not really a filmmaker. I'm a damn, dirty charlatan.
5 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on the forum, than offline face to face?
Not my opinions about Avatar. Other wise, on the whole, yes.
6 - Does being part of the Indie Talk forum influence the films you watch?
No, but it has made me watch a lot more short films, which I wasn't so interested in before.
7 – Does being part of the Film Society in general influence the films you watch or the films you want to make?
This seems a similar question to the above. I wanna make movies, but I don't got no supplies.
8 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than just offline?
Yes. Repetitive strain disorder.
9 – What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the Indie Talk forum?
Getting advice, fo sho.
10 – Do you communicate with any Indie Talk members on MSN or any other messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small talk?
Not really. Occasionally on Facebook/Twitter. On my blog would be nice *cough cough*.
11 – Do you communicate with any Indie Talk members offline? Give examples.
Never have.
12 – Do you communicate with Indie Talk members more online or offline? Why do you think this is?
Online, duh.

Fun quiz! What do I win?
1 – What is your age, gender, location?
23, female, Brisbane Australia

2 - How often do you visit the forum?
Several times a day, most days

3 - How often do you post on the forum?
Probably a few times a week. Depends on if I'm involved in a conversation.

4 - Do you feel the Indie Talk forum offers a sense of community? How does it differ to the offline Film Making community?
I don't have anything to do with film other than coming on this site, so I can't really compare.

5 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on the forum, than offline face to face?
When it comes to film, my opinions aren't really controversial. Most of the time if I give my opinion on something I add that it shouldn't be taken seriously because I don't know anything. If we were to talk about something other than film it could really go either way. I might be more inclined to give my opinion or I might be less. To me forums are just like real life in that you censor yourself for the people you're talking to.

6 - Does being part of the Indie Talk forum influence the films you watch?
I've certainly gotten a lot of recommendations. I can't really afford to go out and see lots of movies :/ I would say on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being not at all and 10 being I go see everything any one suggests, I'd be about a 5. It doesn't influence me to see certain films, but it tells me about them so I can decide myself if I'm interested in seeing them.

7 – Does being part of the Film Society in general influence the films you watch or the films you want to make?
What's the Film Society?

8 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than just offline?
The same as any other online communication, I feel like these people are my friends, and I don't have many friends, so I get lonely knowing that I can't call them up and say 'hey, wanna hang?'

9 – What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the Indie Talk forum?
Every one is so helpful and generous and lovely. The people here are a good mix of experts in the industry, almost professional amateurs and people who have no idea what they're doing and need all the help they can get. If you have a problem there will be someone here who can help.

10 – Do you communicate with any Indie Talk members on MSN or any other messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small talk?
I talk to a few on facebook sometimes or in private messages. There's two people that I have become quite close to and we have quite personal conversations, but aside from them it's just chit chat.

11 – Do you communicate with any Indie Talk members offline? Give examples.
Nope. I think I'm the most active Aussie on here, so I've never gotten to know anyone that it would be feasible to meet in real life. All the people I'd totally hang with live overseas :(

12 – Do you communicate with Indie Talk members more online or offline? Why do you think this is?
Online, for the reason stated above.

Hope I helped :) Sorry if my answers are kind of rambling, I have trouble explaining what I mean :/
Good luck with your assignment <3
1 – What is your age, gender, location?

Over half a century, male, NYC TriState

2 - How often do you visit the forum?

Once to several times a day depending upon how busy I am.

3 - How often do you post on the forum?

Once to several times a day depending upon how busy I am.

4 - Do you feel the Indie Talk forum offers a sense of community? How does it differ to the offline Film Making community?

Yes. Silly question - one is virtual, the other is reality.

5 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on the forum, than offline face to face?

Online forums allow me - although I don't know about others - to hone my responses and offer more detail. However, I have no problem with and thoroughly enjoy real-world face-to-face interaction

6 - Does being part of the Indie Talk forum influence the films you watch?


7 – Does being part of the Film Society in general influence the films you watch or the films you want to make?

Yes/No, No

8 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than just offline?

No, unless on-line is your only form of communication.

9 – What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the Indie Talk forum?

Specifically IndieTalk has a more polite and seemingly more thoughtful and educated membership.

10 – Do you communicate with any Indie Talk members on MSN or any other messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small talk?


11 – Do you communicate with any Indie Talk members offline? Give examples.


12 – Do you communicate with Indie Talk members more online or offline? Why do you think this is?

Only in the forums or occasionally via IndieTalk PM.