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watch Things to Know - Livingston Steadworth

Hey everyone,

I've just uploaded a new short comedy film called "Things to Know - Livingston Steadworth" and I was hoping I could get some feedback on it. Thanks so much!

Synopsis: "Though the networks are full of reality and educational TV shows, none are quite as popular and informative as "Things to Know" with Livingston Steadworth. Watch as Mr. Steadworth takes us on an up-close look at the human body in slow motion."

Hmm. Some people have said that they like it so unless you have a concrete reason why I'll just have to assume it's a matter of opinion.

Make no mistake, funny is ALWAYS a matter of opinion. I think here, the pacing, the overly loud VO, and the

timing of the delivery combined to make it not so funny. Plus the subject matter isn't funny, TO ME.:)

My question would be, of the people who have liked it, what percentage have been people that, in some

way, have a relationship with you. I would never trust a friend to give me objective criticism. JMO
You asked for feedback.. :)
Of course its a matter of opinion, thats the point of this forum, to give opinions!

It had a great production logo though.
Yes it's a matter of opinion, yes you shouldn't have your friends critique your work. They'll think everything is funny, like this video. I had to learn this the hard way after making my first 48 hour film. The cast and crew (who are all my good friends) thought the material was hilarious. When it premiered, we got only 3 mild laughs, one of which was during the opening credits due to a spelling error.
Also, the guy is just doing a bad impression of William Shatner. For me, it was the subject matter. it seemed like it was a fun video to put together on a Sunday night though.
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Make no mistake, funny is ALWAYS a matter of opinion. I think here, the pacing, the overly loud VO, and the

timing of the delivery combined to make it not so funny. Plus the subject matter isn't funny, TO ME.:)

My question would be, of the people who have liked it, what percentage have been people that, in some

way, have a relationship with you. I would never trust a friend to give me objective criticism. JMO

I haven't gotten a TON of reviews on it, a couple have been friends/family, others have been acquaintances. Some of which I'd trust to be blatantly honest, some of which I'd trust to be biased, and some of which I just don't know.

You asked for feedback.. :)
Of course its a matter of opinion, thats the point of this forum, to give opinions!

It had a great production logo though.

I agree, I just found "I don't find it funny" to be terribly unhelpful, so in those cases I'll just say it's a subjective matter. Some people may find it funny, some may not.

Yes it's a matter of opinion, yes you shouldn't have your friends critique your work. They'll think everything is funny, like this video. I had to learn this the hard way after making my first 48 hour film. The cast and crew (who are all my good friends) thought the material was hilarious. When it premiered, we got only 3 mild laughs, one of which was during the opening credits due to a spelling error.
Also, the guy is just doing a bad impression of William Shatner. For me, it was the subject matter. it seemed like it was a fun video to put together on a Sunday night though.

I agree, I don't rely just on friends to critique my work, and those that I do rely on are friends that I know will be brutally honest and have torn me to shreds in the past :) And, that's also the reason why I post on various forums, so I can get feedback, see what people like and don't like and what I'm doing wrong.
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Humor is like that. It is 100% subjective.

I tried to be nice, but your getting defensive, so I here ya go..
Here is my analysis of why its not funny.

weak concept

A concept like "Things To Know" is pretty strong, but you did not focus on funny "things to know" what you focused on was.. well Im not rightly sure.. something about the body in slow motion.. which is not some "thing I need to know" .. what I need to know not to fart in an elevator just before my boss gets on... now thats funny..

poor acting. Bad acting can be funny, but sorry, this bad acting is just bad, not funny..

bad timing. Timing is something you have to feel, the pace of your bit plodded along.

dull setting. Someones living room\den, yawn..

No effort on production design, where is the pipe, the smoking jacket, none of the classic accouterments of this type of comedy.

The title is kinda SNL ish so I expected something cheesier, like a public access show, or inversely something higher production value like an opening of Master Piece Theater...

in stead I got.. this..
Humor is like that. It is 100% subjective.

I tried to be nice, but your getting defensive, so I here ya go..
Here is my analysis of why its not funny.

weak concept

A concept like "Things To Know" is pretty strong, but you did not focus on funny "things to know" what you focused on was.. well Im not rightly sure.. something about the body in slow motion.. which is not some "thing I need to know" .. what I need to know not to fart in an elevator just before my boss gets on... now thats funny..

poor acting. Bad acting can be funny, but sorry, this bad acting is just bad, not funny..

bad timing. Timing is something you have to feel, the pace of your bit plodded along.

dull setting. Someones living room\den, yawn..

No effort on production design, where is the pipe, the smoking jacket, none of the classic accouterments of this type of comedy.

The title is kinda SNL ish so I expected something cheesier, like a public access show, or inversely something higher production value like an opening of Master Piece Theater...

in stead I got.. this..

Much like comedy the interpretation of messages on forums is entirely subjective, I was not trying to get defensive. I was merely stating that if you're not going to give constructive feedback then I will continue to accept that there are not necessarily larger faults with the production, rather it's just not your kind of comedy. Though, I should say your statement about "what I need to know not to fart in an elevator just before my boss gets on... now thats funny.. " tells me the kind of humor you're into and quite honestly, I find that kind of humor quite the turnoff and quite unfunny. Again, it's subjective.

I don't want you to think I'm shirking you're opinion because we seem to have different styles of humor, rather just pointing that I out. I do thank you for giving me honest criticism of the piece, it is very useful and much appreciated that you took time out of your day to watch the film and then write a detailed criticism. I can now look into those things in the future, perhaps give these kinds of characters a better setting and better props to work with. Again, thanks for the feedback :)
look, its not the style thats not funny, lots of fake info bits like you tried ARE funny, but yours isnt. So why not?

Try this..
break it down,....

note how the character is over the top!
Note how the "oddness" builds and escalates.. by the time the
poodles fly
were expecting something very wacky..

note how fast it moves.. etc..
FYI: Success is achieving an emotional response in the audience. TO maximize your potential of achieving that goal, then you have to have material that the largest percentage of your audience will respond to. Funny to you, is not good enough.. your making something for OTHERS to consume, so make it funny for THEM. I don't like fart jokes anymore than you do, but a large percentage of the young male audience does, which is why thy are so common.

I think you can make the "Things To Know" concept work if you focus on funny things to know...

If your going for art house funny, then you need to ratchet up the absurdity and the irony...
Well, while I do thank you for providing examples of real comedy, I have to say I didn't find any of those videos "funny." Raul was entertaining and humorous, but I didn't find it "funny." I smiled once. I'm not just trying to be difficult, I just didn't find them funny. I'm not saying my film is better either because it's all subjective. I just don't find the examples you posted to be funny.

In regards to the gun safety message? I didn't enjoy it at all, but others might.
FYI: Iv never done anything comedic. cept maybe my Gun Safety message..


Knowing It's a personal joke between you and CrackerFunk, makes It even funnier.
I've learned a lot about kalashnikov ak 47 too: that the thing is called magazine and how to chamber a round :lol:
You're also a good actor :yes:
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