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Thesis Film seeks $1350. Yeah, only that much.


I'm a fourth year film student ready to make a film that will hopefully get me into some festivals. The script is solid--I've been working about 5 months on it. It's 22 pages of written glory. Got a team ready and shooting schedule and everything. The only problem is cash (fie on cash, I need it so!).

We have a budget figured at $1350. I'd like to get $2000, so I'm actually putting up the $650 or so, but that makes less than half, so I'm going around like a chicken with its head cut off looking for funding.

Got a website set up here: http://www.fundable.com/groupactions/groupaction.2007-10-14.8927974102
For donations, if you feel like you're in a giving mood....I think the idea is basically like 134 people donating 10 bucks. Anyway, have a look.

Also, check these pages out:


Thanks for your time (forgive me if you see this exact message on other forums...I'm strapped for time!)

Remember, vote for ME! Or rather, send me cash! please :)

-brett H.

Good gesture or no, its the only gesture I have. I'm just frustated. I have a script, I have freaking story boards....I have access to gear and crew, but I just don't have the money. And this province sucks for student funding...its zero.

So I'm out on a limb. Everyone just tells me to help myself and save up the money...well, that ain't happening. I already work full time hours as a part time worker....and I can barely keep myself afloat. Anyway, back to the drawing board....I think I'll try to spin some straw into gold next.

Don't let one dissenting voice sway you from your course... ;) You're a filmmaker, replete with thick skin and all! The problem is that Bunches of us are in the same boat. How about posting a logline with the money request to help gain interest...I'm assuming you're posting to multiple fora as well as talking to businesses in your community (cash for credit...to be able to sell this way, find out how much newspaper ads are in your area and compare their readership vs. cost to your glued audience vs. cost - 100% of eyes on their business name, phone number, address, website for $100, 6-10 businesses and you've got your funding. They're going to want to read the script to make sure it's appropriate to their company values and images).
Welcome to the forums, Jabberwock. I'm not going to give you any
of my money. So maybe you'll just dismiss my advice and my observations.

Here's what turns me off from wanting to help you:
Thanks for your time (forgive me if you see this exact message on other forums...I'm strapped for time!)
You want my time (and money) - a complete stranger who is also
struggling with bills, work and trying to get a movie made - but
you tell me right up front that you are strapped for time. I did
see this exact same message on several other forums. You don't
have the time to be a member of the on line communities but you
want the members to give you money. I was put off by that.

I bet you and I aren't much different - we help our friends when
we can, but helping a complete stranger takes something mush more
than a plea on a forum. We need to feel connected in some way to the
people we help.

And this:
Everyone just tells me to help myself and save up the money...well, that ain't happening. I already work full time hours as a part time worker....and I can barely keep myself afloat.

That aint happening? Each one of us on this forum, and all the
other forums you post this exact same message to, can barely keep
afloat, work full time for little pay and struggle to make their
own movies. When you tell me up front that you will not help
yourself and save the money, I wonder why I should give you any
of mine.

I'm not taking the time to write this to put you down or to argue
with you. I hope you will understand that this was just a poor
way to introduce yourself to your fellow filmmakers. Here and on
other forums.

You're in a hurry and don't have the time to join in as a member
of this on line community, but you want us to give you money for
your movie. You want those of us who already work hard and can
barely keep afloat to give you some of the little money we manage
to save when you say you aren't going to save the money yourself.

Back to the drawing board is a good idea. Think of what another
filmmaker could say to YOU to get you to give them 10 bucks. Got
any ideas? What could knightly (for example) say on a forum like
this to get you to give him 10 bucks?
Thanks for the advice!

I realize now that I am perhaps not the suavest individual and it was a bad way to start things out (or a bad foot on the wrong side of the bed!)

Anyway, I'm talking to local businesses more and it looks like I might be able to get something going. I'll continue to press on--I want to make a film then I'll find a way!

In the mean time, please forgive my...brashness.:blush:

Now off to find funding! Huzzah!

I know I'm new here as well.. And It was pointed out already. But yeah, Asking for money with only a post count of 3 did come off like a con game. I'm not saying you're not making a film with it, but no one here knows you. I bet people do this all day long and actually get thousands of dollars for pleading with people and their kindness and then turn around and laugh how easy it was to panhandle off the internet. everyone can set a few moments aside for internetz time. Had you got to know everyone here for at least 6 months or more, you might have got 30 or 40 bucks kicked your way. If you're really making a film and you really need the money they hit up some local business as you mentioned or even do something as crazy as panhandle on the streets. tell anyone that if they give you 100 bucks or more, you will put their name in credits for funding your film.;)
Thanks for the advice!

I realize now that I am perhaps not the suavest individual and it was a bad way to start things out (or a bad foot on the wrong side of the bed!)

Anyway, I'm talking to local businesses more and it looks like I might be able to get something going. I'll continue to press on--I want to make a film then I'll find a way!

In the mean time, please forgive my...brashness.:blush:

Now off to find funding! Huzzah!

I'm in the same boat you are - I'm broke as a joke.

The fun that I find in film making is finding ways to create my vision on a zero budget. The creation process is one of may things that fascinates me. I love finding ways of MacGuyvering everything.

Just because you don't have any green in your wallet doesn't mean you can't get out there and shoot something. Hell, look at me. I'm a cancer patient and every time I have a few minutes, I grab the camera, drive out to a location and shoot something. Location scouting, blocking experimentation, etc.

The more I play with my camera, the more I learn. Learning is experience. Experience is confidence.

Just get out there and shoot. Good luck to you!!
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