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watch THE WATCH: A scene from my short film, shot with a Canon 7D. Yeeehaaa, DSLR

So I shot a short film back in January. Then did some re-shoots months later. We used a Canon 7D and I must say, sometimes DSLR is gold and sometimes it's fools gold.

All in all, I am happy with this scene. Sound is not fully mixed yet and we have not color graded. But here it is anyway.


This was a great learning experience. DSLR has its uses. Just don't move the camera! :lol:

On July 26 I have a screening of THREE of my short films in NYC, sponsored by After-set.com

The screening will be held at the Tribeca Grand Hotel's awesome screening room. I encourage any and all NYC based filmmakers to get involved with After-set. Anyone wanting to know more, please PM me.
Don't know if that's what you mean by 'not fully mixed yet' but the AV sync seemed a little off to me.

My only suggestion is that when he goes 'let's go talk to some hotties now' I think the edit needs more energy at that point. The tempo of the music increases but the camera movement actually slows down into a slow dolly/pan.

Other than that I thought it was really a good. A few more cutaways to break up the two guys' dialogue wouldn't hurt, but it worked pretty well. I liked the 60 fps entrance.
Don't know if that's what you mean by 'not fully mixed yet' but the AV sync seemed a little off to me.

My only suggestion is that when he goes 'let's go talk to some hotties now' I think the edit needs more energy at that point. The tempo of the music increases but the camera movement actually slows down into a slow dolly/pan.

Other than that I thought it was really a good. A few more cutaways to break up the two guys' dialogue wouldn't hurt, but it worked pretty well. I liked the 60 fps entrance.

One the actors was a pro. The other was not an actor at all. he's a good friend and I created the short film for him to get the girl. Kind of a thank-you to him for being a good guy. So in other words, what you see is the material where he did well. Otherwise I'd cut back and forth more. :lol:

As for the AV sync, I have watched it a dozen times on my 65 inch and it looks frame on. The sound just needs to have crowd noise added and the levels between dialog and music are not quite right yet.

hunteq, thanks. But I can't post the entire short just yet. Gotta wait until after my July 26 screening in NYC. :cool:
I enjoyed it. Well made, real neatly cut.

Same feelings as, Nick, regarding the sound issues, and the cutaways. It would have added more depth to the location/situation.

The dialogue was a little expository. It flowed. But I see the quality you're working with, and it was the dialogue that stood out as needing a polish. But nothing major. They carried it well.

It's difficult to make any accurate critique off of just the one scene, so that's all I have for the time being.

Looks as though you've got a strong project on your hands. Congrats, and best of luck with the showing!
That is cool about the screenings. Hope they are well attended!

This scene has a lot going for it. Great look. The dialog could be muddied up some. Did you try any improv with the guys? Just a thought. I'd like to see how it turns out. :)
Looks good and the acting is good but I found the music to be distracting and bad. Not sure if it's just temp music but it cheapened what was solid work for me. Also make the music sound like it's in the room. Something I suppose you were planing on doing during the mix but though it worth mentioning. At the moment it's too present.
Really cool. Loved the vibe. Maybe a few inserts of people, drinks, lights, etc. would help establish the mood even more. There does, however, seem to be a problem with the way the dialog flows. Nothing major, mind you, but noticeable. It seems to me that the PACING at which you cut the dialog and your actors deliver it is not suited to the volume of their voices. If they were just talking normally, they'd be speaking faster, but lower in volume. But in a club, you speak slower and louder. However, they don't come across as almost SHOUTING (which, if you've ever been in that sort of club, they should), and the background music is nowhere near loud and ambient enough, so I think that leads to the somewhat stilted, awkward dialog.

I'd study the club scene in The Social Network. Perfect example. I was always majorly impressed by the sound design in that scene.
Sound is the hardest part. I am learning, but slowly. I knew it was going to be difficult and yes, it absolutely IS difficult. Right now, when I play the short back to my TV with 5.1 most of the sound cramps into the center channel. Really annoying,. The project is simple stereo on CS5 PremPro. Once I finish editing I need to then start a new project at 5.1 and import this one. From there I can mix 5.1 sound.

It's all really beyond me, but I'm doing my best.

There really isn't anything I can add as far as cutaways, inserts. The shoot was way over and so much was not captured, so I did what I could with what I have. This short is really just getting my feet wet again after years away from the camera. It's not going to be what i wanted.

But since January (when this one was shot) I have filmed four more shorts. Two for the Straight8.net film competition, one that was conceived and shot the same day over a couple of hours and finally, the one I am most proud of, MISCOMMUNICATIONS, which will be the main event of the screening. That one was shot on 8mm and scanned into High Def.

Much nudity in that one. Cannot really post much of it here. :)
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