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The Suicide Theory Indie Film From Brisbane Crew

hey guys

Thought i would post on the new movie i am producing with a local Brisbane crew. The movie is called "The Suicide Theory" and is based around a suicidal man that hires a demented hitman to assist him in suicide, but for some reason, miraculously survives each attempt on his life.

If you would like to check out some of the concept shoots, photos and artwork that we have done for this project please come over to the facebook fanpage http://www.facebook.com/TheSuicideTheoryFilm

We have also started a funding campaign to raise the budget for the film, if you are really into the film for as little as $25 you can be apart of this film at our indiegogo campaign http://www.indiegogo.com/thesuicidetheory. for donating you can get some pretty cool perks such as signed dvds, invitations to the premiere, signed concept art just to name a few.

if you dont feel like donating just spreading the word of the film and the indiegogo campaign would help me out a great deal, come over to the fan page, hit that like button and share it around. The more exposure we can get the higher the chance of us reaching our budget and making the film the way it needs to be made.

There is also a competition on the fan page for 2 gold class movie tickets for those who share the page the most and another 2 gold class tickets to the person who can get us the most promotion for the movie, eg radio shout outs, articles in the paper, anything creative will spark our attention and at the end of the 34 days or so left we will choose 2 winners of these tickets.

below is a link to the concept shoot we did for the film.

We have already been featured on the Film Ink website http://www.filmink.com.au/filmbiz/notice/5748/ and an article in the courier mail which is included in the pictures. we have had some hollywood buzz also from snakes on a plane writer John Heffernan saying “Seriously some of the best film work I've seen online (or in theaters for that matter) this year” and Eddie Burns has retweeted us too which came as a big shock but is amazing.

Thanks all hope to see you over on the facebook page.


You're project has been added to the running list of current crowdsourcing campaigns. :)

At the conclusion of THE SUICIDE THEORY's campaign will you please share with the IT community your experiences with crowdsourcing, what you expected, what you observed, what you've learned, how you'd do it different next time, etc?

Thank you.

Absolutely mate, i am planning on writing a full case study. i will post it here for everyone to take a look. its definately an uphill battle though. long hours and shameless promotion. but you have to do it the right way.
Hey guys

the two goldclass tickets are still up for grabs on the fan page. head over, like the page and be apart of this. it is going to be epic. if you have 25 bucks lieing around chuck it in the kitty on the indiegogo page and get some cool perks as well as supporting local talent.

thanks fellas
Jake, perhaps you can answer a questioon I have always had about
indiegogo. You needed $30,000 to make your film - you only got
$9,505 and you got all that money. What did you do with the nine