the Sonnyboo Gazette

The Sonnyboo Gazette

In the ceaseless effort to live by the motto "In order to be discovered, you have to be somewhere people can find you"... I present the latest update on the many happenings in the World of Sonnyboo.


starting on January 24th, 2005 - www.UNDERGRUNDFILM.ORG is hosting an "All-Sonnyboo Week" where they will premiere 1 new Sonnyboo or Sonnyboo related short a day.

already added is the HORRORS OF WAR clip

available in QUICKTIME and looks great in the latest Sorensen Codec

make sure to check out - one of the first and certainly longest lasting Short Film sites on the web.

* this is the 2nd short film site this month to feature SONNYBOO, first was in the UK with "Sonnyboo Days" for 4 consecutive days, and they are planning additional SONNYBOO DAYS soon!


ALWAYS LATE and the HORRORS OF WAR scene are also online at another great short film site. ALWAYS LATE is still trucking along getting loads of hits and grows in popularity. Produced by Linda Byrket and shot by Bret Dahlgren - written by Chris Gavaler - ALWAYS LATE still gets the goods online.


Columbus Ohio filmmaker & good friend LINDA BYRKET got a front page mention on MICHAELMOORE.COM for her video of the Ohio Election day footage

Congrats on a local filmmaker getting soem serious notice on her film.

Go Linda Go!

see the video here: the


Peter John Ross got interviewed in BUSINESS WEEK as an expert on short films and video on the Internet.
see it here:
or here:

CMH LIFESTYLES, a print magazine in Columbus featured PJR and the whole Look at my Shorts Film Festival in their magazine.
see it here:
or here:


Sonnyboo movies are set to play at the CENTRAL NEBRASKA FILM FESTIVAL on January 28th and 29th, 2005
also playing is the Derek's GRUDGE MATCH


Sonnyboo movies are also set to play at the CINEMA SLAM screenings in Ann Arbour Michigan February 8th, 2005
more info here at:


you can see HEATHCLIFF SEGAL'S short film SPEED DATING at

as well as the Peter John Ross produced, Jon Osbeck, written/directed/starring MANN IN DRIVING at


SONNYBOO on TV (again)
Pulp Diction & other Sonnyboo shorts make their way on to Rhode Island Channel 18, Cox Cable on the MIKE MESSIER SHOW

Jan 8th & 15th 2005


VTVIDEOS.COM adds sonnyboo article to their INDIE FILM TIPS pages.


as always check out the latest & more detailed info at
and even particpate with the other 180 members of the "Rockin' Rangers of the Sonnyboo Brigade!"

or take a peek at the Sonnyboo calendar at

- Peter John Ross
"The site where we can be silly & serious at the same time!"
Horrors of War will shoot in MAY 2005

of course when I get more to show I will show it...

Sleeping is what rich, Hollywood filmmakers get to do. When I get to that point, I can take catnaps in my trailer with starlets & sexy PA's.
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At the UK site PANARTIST.COM, 12 Sonnyboo movies have been rated in the top 20 ! Including the #1 spot for PULP DICTION

MDIFILM's Johnny WU also got 2 movies in the top 20!

WOO HOO! You know, I think I make these posts now because it seems to bother people when they read about these very minor successes of others. Let's be honest, I've been holding back on the amount of updates & the info available on

and don't forget, all of the aforementioned sites, including PANARTIST.COM accept submissions, so if you want to partake in the fun of getting movies seen - visit the sites & submit your own damn movie! Nothing stops you from succeeding more than inaction...


COOL NEWS - AIN'T IT COOL NEWS has a mention of the SONNYBOO WEEK at

see the " GUNN SHOTS" from Elston Gunn's weekly report at the bottom. It's ain't much, but it's another mention on a great site for the Sonnyboo movies and all of Columbus people involved.
sonnyboo said:
You know, I think I make these posts now because it seems to bother people when they read about these very minor successes of others.

Any IndieTalk member that is bothered by the success (minor or major) of another member doesn't really belong here.

Congrats on every bit of success you get, Peter.

sonnyboo said:
I try to stay busy with the promotions, you know? :lol:

My nomination for understatement of the year.

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Sonnyboo, you and your work deserve this exposure. I cannot think of another indie who's made as much of an effort as you to enlighten his fellow artists to opportunities and access. You are a jewel.
bird said:
Sonnyboo, you and your work deserve this exposure. I cannot think of another indie who's made as much of an effort as you to enlighten his fellow artists to opportunities and access. You are a jewel.

WOW... that's a helluva quote.

There are many who disagree, not the least is my mother.
Congrats on your success. What's the point of making movies if no-one knows to see them. HIT IT HARD!!!

Sonnyboo, your name is like a household word around here. That's your finest piece of publicity so far:-)
JasonJolliff said:
Congrats on your success. What's the point of making movies if no-one knows to see them. HIT IT HARD!!!

Sonnyboo, your name is like a household word around here. That's your finest piece of publicity so far:-)

Here are some choice quotes from my home town & local filmmakers...

On the other hand you have SonnyBlah, who has yet to deliver a feature film (When he does, I'm sure it will be a horror).

As for Sonny? Well, he is doing for you what any good search engine might do (Gee, thanks. Boo-boo )

SonnyBlah lets everybody know that it is SonnyBlah Week on some website (God, can you stand the excitement?)

So, please try to understand why it's wierd to me to have people compliment me. You're not exactl slacking Jason. Cheers to the peeps with the idea to market themselves...
sonnyboo said:
Here are some choice quotes from my home town & local filmmakers...

On the other hand you have SonnyBlah, who has yet to deliver a feature film (When he does, I'm sure it will be a horror).

As for Sonny? Well, he is doing for you what any good search engine might do (Gee, thanks. Boo-boo )

SonnyBlah lets everybody know that it is SonnyBlah Week on some website (God, can you stand the excitement?)

So, please try to understand why it's wierd to me to have people compliment me. You're not exactl slacking Jason. Cheers to the peeps with the idea to market themselves...

With friends like that SonnyBoo, who needs critics!

Well, THIS ONE will top it by a long shot...

Don't pretend you're not an asshole. But that's okay. Keep running your fat mouth. My son has a couple of uncles in Columbus just dying for me to ask them to pay you a visit. They'd love to teach you a little about family loyalty. I'd rather handle my pudgy little problem myself, but if you say another word I'll be making a couple phone calls. Try me, f*cker.
What's up guys? Now I know not a lot of you will know me (I tend to read a lot of these boards but don't post) but hear me out. Sonnyboo I can see where some of your less construtive critics are coming from. Now allow me to play devil's advocite for a bit if you will. Why haven't you made a featrure? You do a lot of shorts but no features. Why is that? Often times when one does nothing but shorts (granted this doesn't appply to everyone but) some come to the opnion that they lack the creative drive, capacity or where with all to produce a feature. Now as far as your shorts go, I think they are pretty decent. So why not cut down on the shorts and do a fearture? You can produce ten shorts or one feature. To me (and please correct me if I'm wrong) doing shorts is (usually) just a way to show others your work. People ask you what have you done and you show them your reel. Well you have enough to show for a reel so why is it that you've not taken the next logical step? Have you showed them to people and they think you're not good enough? What's the deal? We all know (or at least we all should know) that the only way to make money in this biz is to make features. There is very little to no money in shorts; so why do them? Sure people on the internet view them but come on, let's face it, the majority of people who will see these shorts are internet filmmaker nerds like ourselves who seek out such things. And before someone goes off and talks about how they are in filmmaking for just the art of it and no money, just stop now. No matter what you say you want to be a filmmaker for the money as well as to do something you have a passion to do, even if that money is just to get your next project off the ground. So with this in mind, why no features? Don't you think it's time you stepped up to the plate?

PunkPortrais said:
What's up guys? Now I know not a lot of you will know me (I tend to read a lot of these boards but don't post) but hear me out. Sonnyboo I can see where some of your less construtive critics are coming from. Now allow me to play devil's advocite for a bit if you will. Why haven't you made a featrure? You do a lot of shorts but no features. Why is that? Often times when one does nothing but shorts (granted this doesn't appply to everyone but) some come to the opnion that they lack the creative drive, capacity or where with all to produce a feature. Now as far as your shorts go, I think they are pretty decent. So why not cut down on the shorts and do a fearture? You can produce ten shorts or one feature. To me (and please correct me if I'm wrong) doing shorts is (usually) just a way to show others your work. People ask you what have you done and you show them your reel. Well you have enough to show for a reel so why is it that you've not taken the next logical step? Have you showed them to people and they think you're not good enough? What's the deal? We all know (or at least we all should know) that the only way to make money in this biz is to make features. There is very little to no money in shorts; so why do them? Sure people on the internet view them but come on, let's face it, the majority of people who will see these shorts are internet filmmaker nerds like ourselves who seek out such things. And before someone goes off and talks about how they are in filmmaking for just the art of it and no money, just stop now. No matter what you say you want to be a filmmaker for the money as well as to do something you have a passion to do, even if that money is just to get your next project off the ground. So with this in mind, why no features? Don't you think it's time you stepped up to the plate?


I would not normally quote an entire post for posterity, but I will here.

It is clear, that although a longtime lurker on the boards, you have some rather inaccurate perceptions about Mr Boo.

Setting aside the "Devil's Advocate" pre-emptive disclaimer, there are glaring errors in the arguments made for the "less constructive critics" and the foundations on which they stand.

Why haven't you made a featrure? You do a lot of shorts but no features. Why is that?

Please visit the SonnyBoo website. Maybe follow a link or two. The links concerning the feature film would be a good start. The one that has only been plugged for the past several months, with viewable trailers and updates on production.

To me (and please correct me if I'm wrong) doing shorts is (usually) just a way to show others your work.

Why is this an issue? You are correct. But Boo has never said otherwise.

You can look up a dozen posts or more by Boo, and see "shorts are a calling card" in his definition of what makes a short worthwhile. For the longest time, he has posted that shorts are the way to build a resume for bigger things.

We all know (or at least we all should know) that the only way to make money in this biz is to make features.

That may be the case, for the most part.

If that is all you want to believe.. then more power to you.

Boo has posted numerous links (repeatedly) for people to submit films to. Short films. Links to places that PAY for short films to be shown.

Odds of recouping all costs spent for the short? Likely small.

Odds of possible mass exposure and a percentage of cost recovery? Not that bad.

I'm not seeing all these Boo-haters posting (and updating) dozens of useful links to get exposure and income.

Sure people on the internet view them but come on, let's face it, the majority of people who will see these shorts are internet filmmaker nerds like ourselves who seek out such things.

That is a bold statement to make.

It is my humble opinion that you might want to read up on Boo's (frequently updated) list of places to get seen.

It's really not hard to find.

And before someone goes off and talks about how they are in filmmaking for just the art of it and no money, just stop now.

Well, subsitute the word "art" for "fun"... and that is what I do.

I am a part-time filmmaker (a weekend warrior, if you will)... with a fulltime company operation.

One of those two pays the bills... and making filmmaking is not the correct one.

I am fortunate enough to be in a position to have filmmaking be an "art" or "fun" choice.

Will I be famous? Hmm.. no. Will I have a good time? Absolutely.

...and sometimes, that's all that matters.

Don't you think it's time you stepped up to the plate?

I would ask the same... of you.

Boo knows what he wants... makes a name for himself... plugs himself...

... and shockingly, gets notice. :huh:

He's in a field he wants to be in... likes it, helps it, hands out tips as experience grows...


He may come across a a bit brash for some folks, but with all he has freely given back to the indie-community, Mr Boo is A-OK in my book.
PunkPortrais said:
Why haven't you made a featrure?

I just presold 3 territiries on my first feature, We're shooting in May on 35mm film.

I've worked on more than 20 feature films for other people in capacties ranging from Production Assistant to Co-Producer.

I wanted to get better at making movies, so I "practiced" on shorts. I think I'm ready to make a very good first feature film.

PunkPortrais said:
There is very little to no money in shorts; so why do them?

Really? I've made several thousand dollars in the last 2 years on short films. I'm represented by BIG FILM SHORTS, a short film distributor.

As was already stated, they are a calling card too, and blah blah blah. Most of my shorts, including the ones in 16mm film were shot for tens of dollars.


I do NOT feel this guys post was insulting or even rude. He had a contrasting opinion and that is okay. He made a lot of good points & nothing he wrote was personal or derogatory. About the most you can accuse him of is being misinformed, as in not knowing that I am knee deep in a feature film already.
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