This movie looks considerably better:
Ya, this scene is a classic example of them setting up for the location, and then someone coming in and saying, 'YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES TO GET OUT!'
It's so obviously rushed. Watch how the scene starts out normal speed, and then slowly picks up, and then they are just practically jumping their lines with no emotion at all and zoom...he's gone, scene end.
So funny. We've all been there (getting rushed on location), but we never let it show so dramatically in the final line reads and cut.
It's bad? What are you guys talking about... You should call it "LMAO Movie Night" instead. I have this movie a 10/10 on imdb for its awesomeness in failing so hard, that is was actually funny. And not in a bad way funny... It was funny in a WTF type funny.
How could you lable this bad? This was awesome.
I personally love the way he turns his emotions on and off whenever someone new enters the scene "Oh, hi"
Exactly. This is the best example/reason why he's insufferably bad. It's amazing how fast he turns his emotions around.
His laughing is classic also.
Basically he gives the precisely wrong line-reading every time.
my advice to actors is to get more zen.
For the diehards:
The Room flash game - in 8-bit Nintendo style.
Tommy Wiseau has told EW he will theatrically release a 3-D version of his cult movie The Room
...Room devotees can look forward to the sight of Wiseau’s derriere in three dimensions during the film’s lengthy sex scenes. “My bottom will have to be in 3-D because I’m not changing anything,” he explained. “So you’ll be very close.”