archived-videos The Promise of You

I got a chance to take a look at most of the films posted to the screening room. So, I guess I'm up next to show my stuff. I have a few films I would like to get the IndieTalk opinion on (It's always interesting to here what other filmmakers have to say about your work), but instead of throwing everything at you I thought I would just put them out one at a time if you don't mind. I've worked on other projects but these are ones I actually directed.

This first one is called The Promise of You. Its a feature film I shot many moons ago. Obviously I'm not posting the entire feature that would take forever to load but I grabbed a sample for you guys to check out. I don't know if I should preface this with anything other than it's just a 7 minute-ish clip from the hour and a half movie.

Let me know what you think.

Promise of You

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Rick--I just checked out your clip. Overall, I would say this is great work. I like the lighting, camera angles and movement, and the production quality. It seems like your storyline is pretty dramatic (perhaps a bit melodramatic), so that must have posed quite a directorial challenge with the actors. They seemed to pull it off well enough though.

Thanks for sharing this with the group!
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I'm not a big fan of "soapy" material, but that looked like an excellent production in all of the technical ways.

If you did that "many moons" ago, I am fearing how much better you must have become in the meantime. :scared:

You've redoubled my commitment to learn more about lighting correctly. I would be really happy to get it looking as good as that. :cool:

Thanks for checking it out. Melodramatic...yes, very. :yes:

It's one of the better sections in the whole movie considering it was our first attempt at shooting a film.

Zensteve said:
If you did that "many moons" ago, I am fearing how much better you must have become in the meantime. :scared:

Hmm, does this mean I have a shot a topping the great ZEN in the "My film can beat your film" competition? If so I'm in. :lol:

Zensteve said:
You've redoubled my commitment to learn more about lighting correctly. I would be really happy to get it looking as good as that. :cool:

The lighting was tough. Unlike most productions that can afford to look at their dallies the next day we had to wait for weeks. Money was a big issue. Not only that but we were told not to use any other lights so we were shooting with just the two or three lights we had for filmming. A lot of our shots turned out looking very noir-ish. Which wasn't the intention.

I also wish the sound was better but I guess you make do with what you got when you're starting out. :blush:

Rick said:
Hmm, does this mean I have a shot a topping the great ZEN in the "My film can beat your film" competition?


Rick, you should consider aiming for a more challenging accomplishment. This one should not be too difficult to achieve.
Just check'd out your clip the whole melodrama thing isnt my thing but i did find the begining and the the end of the clip prety cool, wasnt fussed on the "montage", the lighting in the apartment is done well (looking slick), cheers for sharing
Yeah- ditto on that lighting... especially in that first shot... brooding shadow worked really well.
Lol- I thought when the girl said "I was that mother" that she was HIS mother, and she was secretly dating her son... lol