archived-videos The Poke Show: "The Terrorist"

Off, unfortunately.

I'm just pissed at how crappy 24 has gotten (since season 5)... I blame the writing, and producers. They totally lost it with this season. About half way through, Jack kills the terrorist and then it becomes a political family drama... oh no, the russians are mad! oh no, the chinese have a microchip! oh no, the neo-con is the president, but now that he's number one, we're gonna show his sympathetic side! Oh no, Fox sucks!
Seriously- they just wrote Kim Bauer into oblivion, and this whole season has been setting up pay-offs that NEVER GET PAID OFF!!!
Stupid 24....
I was wondering where you were taking this one -- but the
crying in the tub
really paid off. Best acting I've seen all day! Nice to see you guys are on a roll.
Thank ye, John. It was put together in haste with a combination of confusing motives, and too much 24.
Our next vid, 2 weeks from now is much better.
Jack is not a pussy. I haven't seen the finale yet, but in the last ep he had at least three "Jack Takes Names and Kicks Lotssa Ass" moments:
when he took out most of the men coming into CTU, then when he overpowered the rest of 'em -- with Nadia and Moris's help -- and when he did thaty cool running slide thing to take out the guys behind the SUV in the warehouse Chang was using.
And let's not forget how
he took out the main baddie
a few eps ago. Did you see the look on Silver Spoon's face when he saw the aftermath?

And speaking of penguins, what's with all the friggin' penguin movies?
Nice :)

I think you could have gotten a better actor for the penguin though... his performance seemed a little... flat.
How come you guys no post on our site? :(

You're going to have to restrict all of your communications with others to comments on your blog. It's the only way. If mom calls, tell her you can't talk to her over the phone, but she's free to post a comment on your blog. That's the way you gotta do it, man. Just refuse to reply out-of-comment. Don't even reply to me. Don't even send me contents of emails- just a subject "go to my blog and look at comments", and then post all the info there (including personal, steamy details)
Al-Quesidilla was the finest terrorist I ever had the pleasure of eating. I think the REAL terrorists are mexicans and chinese, because they make food SOOOO tasty, that I eat so much that afterwards, I feel like I could explode.

Speaking of the Poke Show, I can't wait to see the next "Non-Retards" video... I've got two SOLID ones lined up for the coming weeks, shot, cut, and stored. I'm hoping to shoot 1-2 more next weekend!