The Path Begins

Hello all,

First off I am VERY happy and glad that I found this place, and that there are people here who dont mind lending their time and effort to help others out. To all you here CHEERS!

Secondly I actually am starting right out from scratch, I know absolutly NOTHING about the film making process or anything to really do with it. All I know is that I have alot of creative ideas floating in my head, and I have always been a dreamer of worlds in my own head, ever since I was a child. I am a late bloomer I guess you could say, seeming that I am now at the age of 30 choosing to make a film, but hey I am NOT going to let that stop me. For me I am not looking to be the next big thing in hollywood, rather I just simply would like to get these stories I have in my head out and in a visual/audio format and share them with others. However mostly it is just to challenge myself and use my creativity. If I have anything going for me it is that I am REALLY interested in everything that is the film making process. It is absolutly facinating to me and I am very much looking forward to solving all the challenges that lay ahead with some creative thinking. Creative Solutions Solve Challenges.

Anyways I will stop rambling and start reading!! Already I have learned the 16:9 is the "movie look"! I have no idea what that means LOL but I am very much looking forward to finding the answer and then.............................asking another question. But I am most likely getting ahead of myself here, I am starting with what I believe is the first step...............the story. I figure after that everything else is just a challenage that needs to be solved, a sequence of steps that first needs to be discovered, then taken.

Thanks to all who offer their time and help here, it is VERY much appreciated. Good luck on all your creative ventures, if I can in anyway reciprocate the help and advice offered here, then it shall be done.

Take care, and keep on your path's!:)
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You're going the right way. Keep reading and rereading and learning. Google terms you come across.

16:9 is an aspect ratio. It represents the length and width of an image. And most movies today are filmed in 2.39:1 or 1.85:1.

Google, aspect ratio and learn more. Ask away here on IT about anything you don't understand or need clarified :)
Hey there! You've come to the right place!
All I know is that I have alot of creative ideas floating in my head, and I have always been a dreamer of worlds in my own head, ever since I was a child.
Write them down!
I am a late bloomer I guess you could say, seeming that I am now at the age of 30 choosing to make a film, but hey I am NOT going to let that stop me.
Good! And 30 is certainly not even old to get started. Just ask wheatgrinder.
Anyways I will stop rambling and start reading!! Already I have learned the 16:9 is the "movie look"! I have no idea what that means LOL but I am very much looking forward to finding the answer and then.............................asking another question.
16:9 is what you would probably know as the 'widescreen' edition of a DVD versus the full screen ('this motion picture has been formatted to fit your screen') edition.

Also, Ernest is right, google is your friend. But don't hesitate to ask anything if you need to :)
Welcome Grasshopper!

I'm one of the audio guys here.

Always remember:

"Sound is half of the experience"<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

"Old man, how is it that you hear these things?"

"Young man, how is it that you do not?"
*Hands over a water bottle* You'll get thirsty. ;)

Follow the path as you will. Don't fear to make mistakes, for it is how we learn, and never fear to ask for advice on here-many voices with experience.

Enjoy the road and all that you encounter-filmmaking is truly an adventure that must be experienced :)