The One Thing About Film Unlike Music...

You cant go far with a bad screenplay. Whether its quality, sound, or wont be around long. I watch the ccompetition on here and the greats and the weakest link is usually the story.

Scratch that, its the screenplay. The camera can't save it. Final Cut Pro, nothing.
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I mean a record can say nothing noteworthy and still become a hit. The quality can be mediocre and still get burn. I'm not talking about music itself.
Not all music is supposed to tell a story.

Analogies often fail.

What are you trying to say about film without comparing it to music?
What im saying nothing saves a poorly written movie.

A poorly written song can be salvaged by a great beat.

My analogy holds strong.
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In pop lyrics are purposely written as hooks not stories. Your analogy isn't holding up. A lot of the songs you call poor were written to stick in your head and that's it. And for all intents and purposes one may argue well written. What's that got to do with a screenplay and why are you comparing them?
In pop lyrics are purposely written as hooks not stories. Your analogy isn't holding up. A lot of the songs you call poor were written to stick in your head and that's it. And for all intents and purposes one may argue well written. What's that go to do with a screenplay and why are you comparing them?
Wrong thread.

If its done on purpose as a mean to an end then how is it bad? Laffy Taffy by D4L is a bad record. It wasnt purposely made as a gimmick. They felt it was their best efforts and it became a number 1 hit.

Thats my point. No one purposely makes a bad film to get stuck in someone's mind.
You cant go far with a bad screenplay. Whether its quality, sound, or wont be around long. I watch the ccompetition on here and the greats and the weakest link is usually the story.

It all matters. You need a strong screenplay. You need good direction, good audio, good acting, good music, good everything.

Also, should filmmaking be a competition? ;)
When money is involved. I dont want to work a square job for the rest of my life. So, yes, its a competition.

Check out when the 48 Hour Film Project is in your area.
Perfect competition to compete in :)

I did last week.
Yesterday I really saw a jury nominate a film with a poor script for best film. It was nominated for best cinematografy and best actress as well.
1 Film was nominated for best script, but not for best actor/acress/cinematography -> not nominated for best film.

Yes: a good script is important.
But so is the rest: filmmaking is alchemy. All elements need to be in place to create the synergy of a great film.
Doesn't mean that not perfect film can't be any fun or can't have any other value.

If you want to compare music and film, we can't generalize, but we can compare the easy pop hit and B action movies or blockbusters or more complicated music with more personal dramas.
Actually comparing media is always silly as we can almost only describe what makes them different.
I watch the ccompetition on here and the greats and the weakest link is usually the story.

This statement says a lot.

It says that you've basically written off many of the filmmakers around here who have shared their work, calling them all out for having bad scripts/screenplays.

It says that you feel you know better than everyone else here how things should be done,

It says that you see this forum as competition, not a collaborative community. That mindset puts you in a place of having to prove yourself above everyone else here, which is reflected in how firmly you dig your heels in when you take a misguided stance on something.

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This statement says a lot.

It says that you've basically written off many of the filmmakers around here who have shared their work, calling them all out for having bad scripts/screenplays.

It says that you feel you know better than everyone else here how things should be done,

It says that you see this forum as competition, not a collaborative community. That mindset puts you in a place of having to prove yourself above everyone else here, which is reflected in how firmly you dig your heels in when you take a misguided stance on something.

Your point is?

Everyone deserves a trophy?

We should only collaborate to make something bigger not for the sake of collaborating.

Like i said, i talk what i know. If they're awarding clearly flawed entries than their credibility is shot to me.

How is my stance misguided? Because you said so?