archived-videos The New Inside Report OUT NOW

Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present after months of waiting, the new and improved INSIDE REPORT.

Following on from our website re-design last month, we now bring you our updated show.

Its quicker, its faster, its now lemon scented! Ok so maybe not that last part, but the whole format of the show has been streamlined to make it easier to download.

We’ve cut some things and re-jigged some other stuff in order to help keep us at the head of the game when it comes to internet based tv.

We’ve cut the number of interviews to ONE per show, but in place of more interviews we now have our new Feature section. This is the place where you can see what goes on behind the scenes in the indie filmmakers world.

This edition’s Feature is a behind the scenes look at the making of “The Return of Agent 12” from Detonation Films and our main interview is Boston based filmmaker Guy McConnell of Aisle 5 entertainment.

Our ever present Roundup section has been re-packaged to the ever present Downloads section, where we give you the inside tip on what films to download and watch (see how it got its name?)

So sit back and enjoy the ever growing and always fresh Inside Report, the show that boasts 100’000 viewers this year and counting!

Don’t forget, its easy to be in “the nets number 1 indie film show TM”, all you have to do is submit a weblink where we can view you film or trailer online (be it out now, or coming soon).

And that’s not the only way to be in a show! You can submit yourself and your crew for either a Feature slot or for an Interview! As long as you have the ability to film your own interview (from our questions) and get it to us, what have you got to lose? You don’t even need to edit the slot, we do it for you!

So sit back, watch, enjoy and get involved!

Sky :D :D :D
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