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watch "The Letter" $200 Gangster short film


Pursued by the mafia for falling for The Don's daughter, Eric Holdem writes a letter detailing secrets which might provide his redemption and save the family from annihilation.

Watch on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/72432813

Watch at Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ti4FIeIpi0

Have a watch and let me know what you think.
Wow the cinematography really was impressive, some of the acting was a little off but I think thats quite a big problem for a lot of us on this forum, so I try to look past the acting. Nice twist at the end too. Great job
Awesome short! The cinematography is great.

What lens(es) were used?

It was all shot with a Sony HD Handycam back in 2010 with whatever internal lens they come with. I went in and rotoscoped most of the shots and added Depth of Field in post.

Wow the cinematography really was impressive, some of the acting was a little off but I think thats quite a big problem for a lot of us on this forum, so I try to look past the acting. Nice twist at the end too. Great job

Good job buddy , excellent short film !

Thanks guys, appreciate taking the time to watch and comment!