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The Legend of Cooley Moon: DVD Cover Design & Trailer

Hot off the press!!

OFFICIAL "The Legend of Cooley Moon" DVD Cover Art and Poster.

Trailer will be coming very very shortly.

cover coming back soon. There were technical difficulties :)
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That's an awesome DVD cover. :cool:

It doesn't make me think sci-fi, though.
No, it does not make me think scifi at all, either.

If it wasn't for the "They're headed to the edge of the world... and just got a whole lot closer" tag line I wouldn't have the slightest idea this film has a single scifi aspect to it, something similar to the depth of scifi in Melancholia.

It LOOKS like a Texas Chainsaw Massacre ($9.5m budget) or Devil's Rejects ($7m budget) sort of film.

And I can't quite make out what's in the bucket.
Haha those are all awesome comments!! I'm one happy guy.

I couldn't be more happy with how the design turned out.

The movie really is kind of a hodge podge of genres... which may not be good. It's a mixture of sci-fi, horror, mystery, and drama.

The bucket contains human and animal body parts, :D haha.

@ Nick - perfect response!

@ Zensteve - you should watch it once it's released to find out ;)

@ ROC - we shot the cover on a 5D II with a zoom 28-135

@ Ray - I'm gonna take that as a great compliment!! haha. My inspiration was a Rob Zombie feel!
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