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watch The last Trailer I ever post here!

Please watch this before reading!


So yeah it was all a hoax, all of my previous posts on here were in anticipation of this. Some of you were clever enough to know something was up, but I thought someone would have guessed what I was up to. It is really a mockumentary called "The Making of the Forest for the Trees". Anyway if you still have questions check out http://www.theforestforthetrees.net for more info, The whole movie will be available for free on Oct 31st 2011. Oh and just for clarification, I'm not really a dick, nor am I arrogant about my work, I was just acting. I know the movie is far from perfect and so is this new trailer, but it is really funny. I am primarily a comedy writer, I make films and Graphics as a hobby so I got in way over my head this summer and made a whole movie. I apologize, SINCERELY! (Last time I'll use all caps on here, I promise [Well, I try to promise, some of my time on here was and will continue to be pretty drunk]) if I offended anyone, most of the films I watched on here are top notch and I would definitely be open to constrictive criticism. Thanks a lot for your time and I hope you don't hate me.
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Meh, nobody hates you. We just don't know what you were doing....

Give us an explanation and then we can look at it the way you intend us too. :)

-- spinner :cool:
NO!!! Go back to the hoax! That was so much better. Now that I know there was a mockumentary behind it, it makes so much sense.

Edit this post of yours, and remove the admission of it being a hoax. Continue with the hoax. It will make the mockumentary so much better (and I do look forward to seeing it). Cheers! :)
NO!!! Go back to the hoax! That was so much better. Now that I know there was a mockumentary behind it, it makes so much sense.

Edit this post of yours, and remove the admission of it being a hoax. Continue with the hoax. It will make the mockumentary so much better (and I do look forward to seeing it). Cheers! :)

I agree.
I especially love the bad spelling and typos.
And that clip with the folk song and the stuck expression was good. You're a fucking lunatic.
The trailer actually looked pretty funny, and right in line with my "I don't get it" impression of your other trailer. I did think some of the in-character stuff you did (posts here, the blog, etc) were pretty good. How far and wide did you spread that? Are you still posting in-character elsewhere?

It's a neat idea (again, shades of Andy Kaufman there), but the problem with it is a) getting people to listen and b) getting people to buy it. I couldn't do it; I'd feel guilty for acting like an ass all the time. How well did you do?

Getting all meta here, I want to hear about the marketing of the making of!
Thanks a lot for your time and I hope you don't hate me.
Looks like no one hates you.

I have a question:

Do you feel this worked? Posting on several message boards play acting
an arrogant dick. I see you got a lot of views, but are the viewers now
fans? It looks that way from the responses here - most seem to really
love this method. Does that carry across your other board posts?
It's good to see that you may have some momentum for another "project," but know this -- we're all prepared for it now. That means you have to push the envelope much further than a single "trailer" and some cryptic forum posts to make the same impact.

Good luck to you (and if you read my response in the "promotion" section, I very much like hoaxes, so props)!
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Temp-ban. I eat those for breakfast. I'm pretty sure he did actually break some rules, and if rules are only enforced selectively, then they aren't really rules at all. The mods are just doing their jobs. He'll be back, and we'll welcome him.
Yeah so I'm not Adam Landry, This is not his original account from before the hoax, and up until now it is opposite day. The marketing went well locally, better than online. Just to respond to DirectorIK. This certainly didn't turn into the next Rebecca Black, which is what I was hoping for (best case scenario, snowball in hell). But it did get me a lot of notice locally, and it should be a lot easier for me start another project with more people. I think of every project as a stepping stone to the next one, and this was definitely a good step. Anyway the movie is being screened on Nov 4th so I am delaying the release online until the 5th. I'll definitely let you guys know when it is uploaded. Thanks a lot.