The last few days were great!

Soo, the last few days were really nice!

I filmed a charity event, which was then shown to over 1000 people in one room and to Prince Harry! Still awaiting feedback from him :)

Then, we went to Terminal 4 at Heathrow, a couple of days later, to film something for the WWF.. A Panda walking through the terminal! Was great fun! Although the police wanted to see the big brown paper box! We were scared to sh*t, when they came with their machine pistols and wanted us to open it up :S

We walked to airport information and asked if we could film! They were so nice! Allowed us to do it! No shooting permit or anything we got before! We didn't even have identification :S
Same day, Hatton Cross station! Same thing, no permit beforehand, still allowed us to shoot and even opened up the gates!

Day after that, we went to Richmond Train Station! I had a chat with a police woman for about 30mins, and we talked about the holidays, class trip and how liberal america is :) haha!
They let us film in the trains, without presenting a ticket! People are so nice here!

Then there was my birthday and I got such a nice present! Not from some person...

No, the present was from Philip Bloom!

He gave me the exact Slider, which he used to film SkyWalker Ranch with!!! Pictures of it on his website!

Anyways, this is the present!!



Had a great couple of days! What about you guys?

Also, I am off of school for 6 weeks now! Amsterdam, Italy and France! I will film in all these locations! Timelapses and normal videos! I think the slider will get some use :)


I hope it will continue like this! Amsterdam next week is surely gonna be interesting :) Lets hope for a good end product!
It's still getting better!

My new Samyang 14mm F2.8 will arrive on Tuesday, so will my new Tripod, not forgetting some new Jag35 Gear hopefully this week :D