archived-videos THE JOURNAL: A Short Film

:welcome: (please post a direct link to the film in the Screening Room)
That was great! :lol:

Pity it's on RealPlayer. That made some of it really blurry, but still watchable.

I'll check out the website to see how it was made, and with what.

Man, I wish more bars had mimes. :cool:
Zensteve said:
Pity it's on RealPlayer. That made some of it really blurry, but still watchable.

I watched it on Quicktime.

Funny stuff. I honestly don't see how he was supposed to have resisted doing what he did to Kelly. No mortal man could.

I watched it on Quicktime.

How did you do that?!

I have options for watching in three different speeds of Real. Enlighten me, oh Pokey-one.

Edit: Found it. Good lord, I've been grumbling at Ifilm for years, for no reason at all! :blush:
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Really like your site. Very simply and to the point but extremely creative and properly planned out so it really catches your eye and makes you want to watch the film (which I'm mad I didn't have a chance to do when I was on a faster computer). Will watch it soon.

Congrats on the awards and again on the very cool site!

Alter Ego Cinema
Great Short!

Funny stuff. Really well done. Would love to hear about the making of.

What did you shoot/edit on?

Where was the location?

Did you have a budget?

Was the story inspired by real life?

Was the journal written before the script by drunk people or was it created just for the film?

Do tell more.

> What did you shoot/edit on?

Canon XL1, PAL, frame mode

> Where was the location?

A bar called Bar East on the upper east side (formally Australia Bar). They have a basement bar that is used for special events so we could shoot all day and night(we shot one 16 hour day in the bar). The only problem was the bar upstairs opened at 7pm so we had to get all the shots that needed sound done by then because of the noise from upstairs.
The apartment was in Williamsburg. We shot about 6-7 hours there the next day.

> Did you have a budget?

$3000. $1000 to the DP, about $1500 for light rental and insurance. $500 on all the other stuff.

> Was the story inspired by real life?

It was inspired by a friend of mine. He would forget what happened after drinking and we would make up shit and tell him he did it. One day I saw a guy in a bar writing something in a little note pad (probably poetry or some crap) and I thought it would be a good idea to get my friend something like that so he could remember what happened. Thet was the insperation for the film. Originally i wanted to do a effects heavy film like "405", but i couldn't come up with an idea (or really an ending to any of my ideas) when this idea came to me.

> Was the journal written before the script by drunk people or was it created just for the film?

Just created for the film.
Hey, I saw this at LIIFE.
You may have seen mine there.

indietalk said:
Hey, I saw this at LIIFE.
You may have seen mine there.

No, sorry I didn't. I only made it to two screenings. Mine (Friday) and my friends (tuesday. Her's won "Best Comedy Short")

Did you actually see the screening of "The Journal" or just saw that it was there?

indietalk said:
Hey, I saw this at LIIFE.
You may have seen mine there.

No, sorry I didn't. I only made it to two screenings. Mine (Friday) and my friends (tuesday. Her's won "Best Comedy Short")

Did you actually see the screening of "The Journal" or just saw that it was there?