archived-videos The Jizz Mopper

The Jizz Mopper is a 33-minute comedic look at a day in the life of an adult bookstore custodian. Post production wrapped in late July and we're just now sending DVD screeners to review sites and submitting to film fests.

You can find the latest news, images, and trailers for the film at the web site.

Looking forward to talking with you all!
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Dimp Paddy said:
no offence or anything but you're purposly taking jokes from Clerks right?

just checking

Why would I take offense to your comment? Films are all reflective of each other in one way or another. But no, and even though we've been told it's similar to Clerks in some ways, I actually wasn't thinking of the film when I wrote this. After all, the lead isn't a cleark, he's a Jizz Mopper :D

Trust me, you'd much rather be a Clerk :D
yeah, but they talk about jizz moppers in clerks, and very clearly call them jizz moppers and they have the guy trying to go down on himself joke, seems like you've been stealing it's jokes is all...
Even if that was my intent, which it was not, it's my right to shoot what I want without defiling someone eleses creativity. Until you see the film, please don't accuse me of stealing from Clerks.

"The idea came to me 8-months back when I was in an adult bookstore with my girlfriend. She had never been in one and asked asked if we could go in. After browsing for a few minutes, she had had enough and just before leaving we noticed a frail man walking back to the front of the store to sit down in a chair. The man carried with him several cleaning items and a small bucket and mop. I told my girlfriend that the guy was a Jizz Mopper. She said: what's a Jizz Mopper?"

That's taken from the web sites FAQ. If you had visited and read this, you may have understood where the idea came from.

Dimp Paddy said:
yeah, but they talk about jizz moppers in clerks, and very clearly call them jizz moppers and they have the guy trying to go down on himself joke, seems like you've been stealing it's jokes is all...