I guess you're right. Although he didn't know if Barry needed some time to concentrate before doing that, because in the video Barry had some time to see what was happening, before he sped up.
Another nitpick, there are a couple times Bats jumps down, to see Gordon & then in the sewers. I just notice he gets up real slow, like his knees are having trouble. It's really contrasted in the sewers cuz everyone after him lands & straightens up quicker. Meanwhile in the action scenes he's pretty acrobatic, especially with wires & CGI
Another nitpick, there are a couple times Bats jumps down, to see Gordon & then in the sewers. I just notice he gets up real slow, like his knees are having trouble. It's really contrasted in the sewers cuz everyone after him lands & straightens up quicker. Meanwhile in the action scenes he's pretty acrobatic, especially with wires & CGI