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watch The Chosen One: Part I The End of Days

As per the request of the director, the original post and the following comments have been removed.

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As per the request of the director, the original post and the following comments have been removed.

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You're doing a terrible job of marketing this. Why would you think anyone would want to watch something that is proclaimed by one of it's creators to be not good in any way, shape, or form? You're basically asking us to watch it for how bad it is. That said, I started watching the trailer and shut it off before it got a minute in.

The problem with something like this is that it's really hard to be constructive with feedback. You said that you all just basically did this for poops and giggles (essentially) and it really shows in the final product. You have to realize that just because something is incredibly bad (rather intentional or not) it does not make it an "ingenious" parody, it just makes it bad. Please, don't ever label your own films as "ingenious," not even Spielberg does that.

I'm sorry if this is unhelpful...but what do you expect people to say about this project? It's really just a bunch of friends playing around with a video camera. If you get serious and take it serious something good might come out of it, but realize that this is only funny and entertaining to you.
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camera\gear etc is no excuse for not trying harder.

It looks like little EFFORT was put into the camera work, etc, so don't expect much in the way of compliments. If you want a "also ran" trophy then you got it.

Now, if you're ready to LEVEL up, even with what you have, then listen to what the folks here say, effort is all you need.
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cool, your rockin it just by doing, some folks here NEVER "do" what they say they want to. So you DO deserve recognition (hence the "Also Ran" trophy) Also, you have a huge cast and crew for a noob, you have a lot going for you.

Now work on your chops.. good looking shots are not an accident..

check out the "Master Shots" book for a good place to start..

sonnybo, and IT member has a series for noob filmmakers. Filmriot is fun, but it glossy over a lot of the basics etc..
As per the request of the director, the original post and the following comments have been removed.

Still, we would like to thank you for the views and for the help/suggestions.
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