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The Chicago "Really" Short Film Fest 2006

Here is the list of films selected to be screened at The 2006 Chicago Really Short Films Fest....


3 Minute Dates

Every 30 Seconds

From The Burp To The Wallet


Mobius Redux

Overtime Boogaloo

Silver Atlas



Suspension Of Nourishment

Talking Dead

Teenage Superhero Pregnancy Scare

The Fix

Zombie Movie

Zoom Suit


A few IndieTalkers on the list. We will have more information regarding all of these films on our website in the next couple of days.

The information we currently have on the show can be found below....

For those of you who have been there before I thank you for coming out and I'm personally sending out this invite to you once again. If you see me at the show don't hesitate to say hi!

For those of you that don't know what it is, its a night of short films, live performance art, and live music to keep the fun going all night long. It's held at The Abbey Pub in Chicago where you can enjoy food and drink along with all of the entertainment we provide.

This year we are featuring performance art by The Devil Dolls.

The Devil Dolls mix humor, dance with a little tease that will keep you the edge of your seat. This “New Age” Burlesque act is like NO OTHER.

And music by Beatallica.

Beatallica is a band that merges the Beatles and Metallica. It may sound like a strange concept, yet it works quite well. The key to their underground success is that they are good musicians and are great stage performers.

The heart of the show are the films sent in by filmmakers from around the world. No film is longer than 15 minutes and they all range from narrative, to animation, to music video, to documentary and so on.

All of these things come together for one night, under one roof. The Chicago Really Short Film Fest - one jam packed evening - short and sweet!


Saturday April 22nd 2006

The Abbey Pub
3420 W. Grace St. Chicago, IL 60618 (at Elston Ave)

What time:
Doors open at 7PM show starts at 8PM

How much:
$10 in advance. $12 at the door.


Buy your tickets online now at...


This show is a 21 and over event.


I hope to see you there!

Rick Ramirez
The Chicago Really Short Film Fest
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YAY!!! This is my FIRST film festival acceptance!!! I am SO EXCITED!!!!

Well, now I HAVE to come to Chicago!!!

Thanks to the 3rd Annual Really Short Film Festival for accepting me! OMIGOD!!

...and as I try to calm down, I really look forward to meeting everybody there and knowing that whatever point we are as filmmakers, we all know what the other has (or "is" in my case) going through. I hope it'll be a real camraderie of filmmakers!

....geez! I gotta get a oil change!! Its a long drive to Chicago, well only 4 hours and after my October shoot, I fear no roadtrip!

-- spinner :cool:
spinner said:
YAY!!! This is my FIRST film festival acceptance!!! I am SO EXCITED!!!!

Forgive me for not knowing -- which one is yours, spinner?

I see "Talking Dead" got in as well - that's two years in a row a ITOOFC film has made the cut. I wish I could make it to the Windy City, this line up looks extremely promising based on the little bit of info I found through Google.

BTW, "Overtime Boogaloo" is my latest -- I'm hoping to have it online in the next few weeks.

Hey! Poke! no problem! You can't be expected to remember every short you've seen. I'll make it a point to see "Overtime Boogaloo"! Heck! I'll get to see everything!

-- spinner :cool:
How was the festival?

OK so how did it go? Who went? Please tell me... Did anyone tape it? Is it going to be made available online?
Sorry I couldn't go:huh:
I went and it was really cool. Talking Dead played in it and got a reasonably good response I think. Beatallica was sweet. The Devil Dolls, it turns out, were from my home town of Grand Rapids, Michigan. I'll definitely have to get to know them a little better.:devil:

Thanks Rick for putting on a really fun festival. It was good to finally meet you. I was hoping some more Indie Talkers would be there. It was a great crowd, though. I'd love to attend next year, whether I have a film in it or not.
To answer your question CootDog yes I'll have pictures and video of the show within the next few days. I've gotten lots of comments about how much everyone enjoyed the show especially the great crop of films we screened this year. I'll post some of those comments online too.

I think Talking Dead and all the other films went over really well. I have to say watching Talking Dead here a few months ago on 320x240 screen and then seeing it projected on a 14 foot or so screen with the sound cranked up gave me the chills, it was awesome. A few lucky audience members got to take Talking Dead home courtesy of the filmmakers....nice.

I sent out an email to all the filmmakers announcing which films were recognized for an award, I thought I would copy it here for those who are interested.




I just wanted to say we had another great show Saturday night. The films went over really well with the crowd and the Devil Dolls and Beatallica made the night something to remember.

I want to send a personal thank you to all the filmmakers that came out for the film fest especially the ones who came in from out of town. I'm also glad I got a chance to talk to some of you there. It gets a bit crazy for me during the night because I have a lot of running around to do, but when I get a moment its always nice to say hello and talk with fellow filmmakers, I just wish I had more time to do so.

This email is also being sent to announce all the films recognized for awards.

Chicago film critic Erik Childress announced his two picks from the crop of films screened. And they are...

Snoozer: for the eFilmCritic Award.


Teenage Superhero Pregnancy Scare: for the Hollywood Bitchslap Award

Erik will have a review of all the films screened at the fest online soon. When he does I'll let you know and send you the link.


Image Union picked four films this year! Image Union is a PBS show on WTTW channel 11 here in Chicago. The Image Union Award means not only recognition for your film but screen time on broadcast tv. Image Union will be contacting their award picks soon.

The Image Union Award goes to...

Every 30 Seconds
Space Boy
Zoom Suit
Talking Dead


At the end of the night we collected ballots from the audience for the Audience Choice Award and the audience choose....

Every 30 Seconds


You can find all the films under the "Fest 2006" link on our website. I'll have pictures and some video from the show up on the site within the next couple of days. Until then congratulations to all the filmmakers and thanks again for being a part of our little film fest!

Rick Ramirez
The Chicago Really Short Film Fest
I was very excited about this film festival.

The Chicago Really Short Film Festival was the first film festival I was accepted in. It was a relatively small festival, where many festivals are a week or over a weekend, this one was one evening. And since it was a 'short film' film festival an evening was plenty.

The event was really well organized by Rick Ramirez and the evening was well paced and moved well. The films were shown a few at a time with an intermission between for people to go get a drink or move around a little.

I had been in correspondence with Rick over the last few weeks, getting information about the fest, the deadlines, what the event would be like, etc. He is a member of IndieTalk as well, so it was nice to actually be able to introduce myself and put a face to the 'name'. He seemed to be a pretty nice individual and though we didn't talk a whole lot, I think he seems like a good guy. Plus he organizes a pretty good event.

My film was in the second segment. It was also the only documentary so I think that made it stand out a little. I thought that it was received well and as it turned out, the person doing audio for the fest had worked with Silver Atlas doing a little audio for them as well. Rick told me that they had been hoping that the band would show up for the fest, but they had other obligations and couldn't attend.

At one of the intermission periods, a performance art/burlesque group did a couple of little skits. The group was called Devil Dolls. It wasn't exactly my thing but they were well received that evening.

There was also a band to break up the evening. The band was called Beatallica. And yes, it was a Beatles/Metallica band. They did NOT suck. I thought that they were funny and the music was pretty good. They got a huge positive reaction a said that they were about to go abroad.

Some of the films that stood out for me were:

Overtime Boogaloo:
A guy working overtime and a maintenance worker break up the monotony of late night work evenings. I paid special attention to this one because I knew the director from IndieTalk as well. Quite funny, Poke!

Every 30 Seconds:
Every thirty seconds a man is hit by a driver. This was that man. This film won the audience over and was SO funny. At the bottom of the screen, was a 30 timer that began the first time he got hit by a vehicle. The timer reset itself as soon as he was hit again. this guy was hit by a car, an ice cream truck and was chased down in a field by a plane ala Alfred Hitchcock. It was about 10 minutes long, but it was so funny. It won the award for the evening.

The best acting I thought went to a film called 'A Zombie Movie'. Three guys are stuck in a stalled car surrounded by zombies. They try to figure out how to start the and who to eat since food is running out.

There was a film called 'Zoom Suit' which was the only animated entry. Beautiful animation, incredible detail. I think this film was about to be developed into something more extensive, unfortunately, I forget the details, sorry.

There was a film from Southern Cal University called 'Spaceboy'. It was okay. You could tell that they must have spent alot of money on it, but I thought that the story was missing something. Rick said that if he'd had that kind of budget he could've made about four independent shorts. I couldn't agree more.

There was also another film from Michigan. 'Talking Dead' was one of four films that was chosen to be aired on WTTW TV11 in Chicago on what I think was an independent film program. Lucky them! It was about a doctor who figured out how to make a deceased patient talk, and the corpse says she was killed. Pretty good film from another IndieTalk Alumni.

The film I liked most, because I like strange, was a film called 'Morbius Redux'. It was a disjointed, schizophrenic film about a patient who was involved with his doctor who ended up dead. If you liked Requiem For A Dream or Pi, which I did, you would probably like this. It was one of those films that left you a bit disoriented and you didn't really know where you were in the story. Definitely something you had to pay attention to. At the end of the evening we were able to vote for the film we liked most. Even though Every 30 Seconds won, Morbius Redux was the one that I enjoyed the most. I like something that is different like this film was. I know that right now, I just don't think in a fashion that would prompt me to make something like that. I thought it was incredible.

Well, Devil Dolls performed again, as did Beatallica and the evening wrapped up about 2:00am. Pretty much the party seemed to break up after that, especially since the bouncer was trying to kick everyone out. The only thing I would've liked to have seen happen, was maybe more of a meet and greet for the filmmakers. I didn't even know who the other filmmakers were until the end of the evening and I went to meet some of them then, but as I said, the party was breaking up.

I was even complimented on the documentary by a few people. One of the women who was at the filmmaker sign-in table asked me what I did on the film. I told her that my friend Drew Johnson and I shot the film over two weekends, Drew did audio, I did the editing, we both did a good job at shooting it, and I was the 'director'.

"Well, I really liked it," she said. Yay!

I thought the night was a success overall. I didn't do as much networking as I would've liked. Not that I was trying to drum up business or anything like that. But I would've liked to have gotten the chance to talk more to the other filmmakers. We are all in the same boat as it were. It would've been a good opportunity to find out what everyone else was doing. But that was okay. Maybe next time...

It was a good day.

-- spinner :cool: