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watch The Boy With The Magic Wand

A short video i made :) Enjoy !


Shot with a EOS 5D mark ii and a Panasonic TM700
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You're probably very young, because the whole idea was childish.
Keep on making films! (and as you grow up, your films will grow up :))
haha :D Do you guys here know how my videos could be shown more ? I mean that more people watch them..cause until now who ever has seen my videos really liked them :D
You're right! I still want to have a magic wand to water my flowers, and I'm in my mid thirties :)

jaja, that' not very nice.

I thought it was entertaining enough to watch all of it, mainly because the music was really good.

EDIT: Was the video even synced to song?
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Nice job. I like it. Generally speaking, I think you have a good eye, for knowing where to put the camera. I'd like to see how you shoot and edit a scene of continuous action, however.

What you've basically got here is a musical montage. And for the most part, it works well. The times that it doesn't work so well is when you suddenly switch into narrative mode, occasionally showing continuous action. You don't need to do that. We don't need to see him walking into the house, and through the hallway, then opening the door.

You could cut a whole lot of this video, turn it into a proper musical montage, and it would have much more zip.
Fixed the YouTube embed for you :)

I thought it was a great little story and the music fit it well. The editing could have been a little tighter in places and there was a bit too much camera shake at times, but it was very well done overall.
It was a spontaneous idea we had.. We shot it on the spot we shot it under 2 hours so we didn't really think of the concept and everything... Just for the fun of it :)
I much appreciated your feedback :)
It was a spontaneous idea we had.. We shot it on the spot we shot it under 2 hours so we didn't really think of the concept and everything... Just for the fun of it :)
I much appreciated your feedback :)

Then it seems you did very well, with such an impromptu shoot. But don't use an impromptu shoot as an excuse for editing that could be more tight. One has nothing to do with the other. :)
You're probably very young, because the whole idea was childish.
Keep on making films! (and as you grow up, your films will grow up :))

It's quite irresponsible coming up with such o POV to a new filmmaker and you should be ashamed. Honestly. Being a TV executive for 10 years now, this young director proves amazing talent with this specific short. If you can't even get that, maybe you shouldn't comment on young filmakers. Our industry is looking for this kind of talent, and then people like you come up with a CHILDISH comments like this one!!
How can you say that "magic wand" is childlish?? What about Harry Potter ???
What about Brazil and the flying man, does that sound childish to you tοo?? Jeeez!!
I'm so mad with people like you.
Show me your work if you may, I'm just curious!
i.e. we're already working with 16yo Florian as a director for a tv pilot.


And be responsible with your comments!
Nice job. I like it. Generally speaking, I think you have a good eye, for knowing where to put the camera. I'd like to see how you shoot and edit a scene of continuous action, however.

What you've basically got here is a musical montage. And for the most part, it works well. The times that it doesn't work so well is when you suddenly switch into narrative mode, occasionally showing continuous action. You don't need to do that. We don't need to see him walking into the house, and through the hallway, then opening the door.

You could cut a whole lot of this video, turn it into a proper musical montage, and it would have much more zip.

It's 100% narrative filmaking. Because it doesn't have dialogue it DOESN'T mean that it's a music video. haha! I can't believe that young filmakers actually get exposed with such advices. Why does he have to show continous action? Is that a must in narrative filmmaking? The answer is NO.
The goal of every filmaker is to share emotions and to feel part of it. This great short achieves them all with Florian's own perspective, amazing imagery and wonderfull special effects + he was only 15! And that's what determins the real artist and that's how you spot a talent.

I agree with shortening the walking to the closet, but that's about it.

In my professional opinion everyone has something to learn with this short and Florian's talent.
I'm just looking at the comments and i can't believe that you didn't all start screaming for his talent.
i.e. I showed this short to many feature directors and they were ALL amazed by his talent!:lol:
It was a spontaneous idea we had.. We shot it on the spot we shot it under 2 hours so we didn't really think of the concept and everything... Just for the fun of it :)
I much appreciated your feedback :)

Pffff... You don't have to excuse yourself because your short was commented by negative-jealous eyes. Try to stick with the positive comments and delete super negative comments.
Maybe a filmmakers thread is the worst forum to look for support, since all filmmakers are sure that they're better than almost everyone. Especially those who haven't had their breakthough yet (or ever).
Florian keep on fliming! I havent' seen a short i liked in years! Thanx for tripping me to your magic world! :)