The Black Tulip: Filming in Afghanistan

Amazing article in the New York Times on Indie filmmaker Sonia Nassery Cole and her making of "The Black Tulip."

Talk about adversity and overcoming it. From the opening paragraph of the article:

"Sonia Nassery Cole knew that shooting a movie on location in Afghanistan could get her killed. The most vivid reminder came a few weeks before filming, she said, when militants located her leading actress and cut off both of her feet.”

Yup, that's a crazy article. Can't say I blame all the crew that quit. There's no way I'd be on the set, if given the chance.
The last line in the article makes me glad all I have to worry about is having enough m&m's on set..

“You start becoming paranoid very quickly,” she added. “Is that crew member you don’t recognize there to help you or is he there to kill you?”