cinematography That noisy 16mm camera...!

Hi There!

I’m planning to shoot a feature in 16mm - B&W and I want to buy a camera. (Eventually I will need to blow up to 35mm)

I understand Bolex is very noisy. In your experience, which 16mm camera would be a good choice for a sync-sound narrative project? I’m very concern about noise level and general performance…

Arriflex SR2
Arriflex 16BL
Eclair ACL 2
Eclair NPR
Aaton s16 LTR54.

I would appreciate any advice, tips or recommendation…!

Thank you!
You can't go wrong with the Arri or the Aaton. Excellent cameras.

The NPR is the camera many film schools use. Rugged, solid and quiet.

The CP-16 is a really nice, solid camera and most come with an excellent Angenieuz
zoom lens. These were used for news gathering for decades.
I was very happy with the SR2. You only get camera noise if it's totally silent and the camera is close to the mic. Even that is minimal.
Awesome! Thank you Directorik & Indietalk! One more thing: Do you know any decent place to buy these used cameras...? Other than eBay or Craigslist...??? My concern is to buy something without any recent professional service... or guarantee...
