That Guy?

Dont remember his name. He made those 3D bluescreen movies. like 20 eps. then someone kind of insulted him and I notice he never came back.

I was waiting for new ones :(
You mean Steve Sutton, and his "The Portal" series?

I don't recall anyone insulting him.

He's stopped making episodes for the time being. Taking a long break after Ep-9.

Last I heard, anyways :)
I have to dig up one of the old threads.. but im certain I recalled someone telling him they were cheesey or something to that affect. Maybe he was just playing with him.
hmm, yea i've notice Steve has not been actively posting for a while. I dont know if he still lurks or not though. hmm wonder what happened, steve if you read this you better post :)
I used the search and it worked fine. That's how I found it.
I don't think I'm breaching any confidentiality if I post that Steve Sutton does show up over at the Sanctuary at the board. :)

I read the thread in question and it was very complimentary ( and well deserved).
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Heh, just noticed this thread. To clear things up, I don't come here that often, anymore, because of the change in the board's format a few months back, I think. My crappy computer takes too long to load pages here, now, which is the only reason. It doesn't have anything to do with someone insulting me or the series. I don't let insults bother me, anyway. When they insult the series by calling it "cheesy", among other things, they're just stating the obvious. :)

Production is underway on the tenth episode now, but it's going very slowly.
Steve, I was thinking about your series the other day and how neat of an idea that was. Glad to see you're still hard at work!