That didn't take long

Just did a search and found that someone has posted my film CRIMPS online for free download already. One site has more than 10,000 downloads. Thanks a lot to whatever POS cyberspace scumbag is responsible. I spent many years and much money to make this and they rip me off before I even have a chance to pursue distribution.

Since I'm on dial-up, I'm not equipped to check the link, but I am curious what version has been posted. If it doesn't have music, it was taken from a festival submission DVD. If it does, it was a post-screening copy. If anyone checks it out, please let me know which version it is.

I'm guessing there's pretty much nothing I can do about it. :angry:
If they are downloads, that shows a great following of your work which, once you've got the proof, can be used to attract future funding or job opportunities.
It's never a waste!
Investors don't care if you've got 10 seeders and 15 downloaders on PirateBay. If anything it would scare off investors when they realize how easy it is to steal a movie rather than pay for it. Illegal downloading has seriously hurt the record, film and software business. Ask anyone who has lost their job in the entertainment business. The whole business has changed radically since Napster, Limewire and now PB.

A movie trailer is promotion. People downloading your entire movie for free is just a net loss of revenue.