Thanks and Merry Christmas...

You know I've been going over some of the threads here and I just want to THANK everyone for making this forum into the kind of forum it is...

I was gone for a few months and I'll be damned if I don't come back and IndieTalk is even BETTER than it was before I left.

So much talent and experience here... So many great people willing to consistently share that talent and experience... Very nice to see because...

Let me tell ya... So far, the world of SMALLYWOOD ain't all that... Sure, bigger money... Bigger names... Yada yada but I still LONG for the day when I can simply hang my own shingle up and make my own films -- MY WAY.

Nothing wrong with using Hollyweird to give you a leg up to get moving but trust me when I tell you that the environment isn't all warm and friendly... LOL.

It's so cool to just come here and keep up with my first love -- making films. On top of that, I sincerely hope to work with quite a few of you here one day... So keep plugging!

I sincerely wish everyone a Merry Christmas -- Prosperous New Year -- and if anyone ever needs any help with a script -- and it's within my power -- please do not hesitate to ask...

Contrary to popular belief, I know what I'm doing. LOL.

Thanks Indie for making our little home away from home such a great place to hang out when we want to get back to our roots...

Merry Winter Solstice Holiday Time, folks of varying genders/ages/ethnicities!

And thank ye Filmy, and all other Indietalk Gurus and regulars... without you, we'd all have to rely on the comments sections of Youtube for our feedback, criticism, advice and banter!

I know I've learned more here than I could EVER expect in any film school... simply through the free, generous sharing of knowledge and experience on this forum. That's a great Christmas present, if I say so myself.
Yes, a big merry Christmas to one and all.

I'd like to echo Filmy's sentiments... this is forum is uniquely talented and generous. What I really appreciate is how every topic gets a diversity of replies... and even when I'm sure I already knew the answer, I always end up reading something that makes me take a step back and review my own perspective.

Anyway... for anyone out there who wants to keep an eye on Santa this Christmas, here's a link for NORAD TRACKS SANTA

Ho, Ho, Ho
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Hey Filmy,

First of all I want to tell you that I really enjoy your sense of humor! I love someone that can express themselves in words. Also, you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years as well. Now, down to the subject at hand, remember in your message when you said that you would be willing to help with writing, well I'm calling in on that favor! Ha! I am not a new writer, but I am a new screenwriter. Now I love writing and really would love to collaborate some works together one day, but for right now I need help with writing my first screenplay. How do you get the format to look like a real script without the hassle of constantly changing the margins?

Yours truly,

Triple Threat

Hey Filmy,

First of all I want to tell you that I really enjoy your sense of humor! I love someone that can express themselves in words. Also, you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years as well. Now, down to the subject at hand, remember in your message when you said that you would be willing to help with writing, well I'm calling in on that favor! Ha! I am not a new writer, but I am a new screenwriter. Now I love writing and really would love to collaborate some works together one day, but for right now I need help with writing my first screenplay. How do you get the format to look like a real script without the hassle of constantly changing the margins?

Yours truly,

Triple Threat

Triple Threat...

Thanks for the kind words -- Merry Christmas -- Happy New Year -- and instead of screwing around with margins, why not download a great FREE screenwriting program available for either Windows or Mac?

Try downloading a copy of Celtx

That way you never have to worry about margins again and all you have to do is concentrate on your writing...

However, if for some reason, you can't download Celtx, and you still have to screw around with margins, I guess my question might be: What program are you using to write your screenplay? If you're using Word, there are plenty of free macros available that you can use inside Word to take care of the formatting for you so you don't have to worry about it.

Worse case scenario is to simply set your tab key so that all you do is tap it and it automatically moves to the next available space. If that space isn't something you want to write -- hit the tab key again and it keeps taking you to the next tab space...

This is how I wrote my second screenplay -- my first being on an actual typewriter... LOL. Yeah, that's how friggin' old I am.

When it's all said and done however, use a screenwriting program! I feel they allow you to be more creative by keeping your mind less cluttered with the technical aspects of your script.

Good luck with it!

Thanks again

Hey Filmy,

Thanks once again for your wonderful advice and I definitely am going to try to download that FREE (which happens to be my favorite word right now) program and if I can't for some reason download it, I will follow your further instructions. Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful response.

your truly,

Triple Threat
All ready to go

Hey Filmy,

Just wanted you to know that I was able to download the Celtx program successfully and I love it! I am revved up and ready to go....thanx again.

yours truly,

Triple Threat
Hey Filmy...a lil more help please

Hey Filmy,

Hope you had a wonderful, I have downloaded the software from Celtx and working on it and it is wonderful. Another concern has arise, though. How in the world do I save it in Word or some other format so that I may be able to send it as an attachment in an email?

Thanks again,

Triple Threat
No problem...

Hey Filmy,

Hope you had a wonderful, I have downloaded the software from Celtx and working on it and it is wonderful. Another concern has arise, though. How in the world do I save it in Word or some other format so that I may be able to send it as an attachment in an email?

Thanks again,

Triple Threat


I recommend saving your scripts as a PDF file when sending them as attachments... Celtx does this quite well AS LONG AS you're connected to the internet:

Generating PDFs with Celtx

Once you have Celtx opened up and have a script ready to save as a PDF, select the "TypeSet" tab at the bottom of your screen.

Then just click on the "Save PDF" button at the top left hand side of your script...

Celtx does NOT save a copy of your script on their server so you don't have to worry about someone getting their hands on it...

I've talked to them about this from a long time ago and there was a time where a very temporary copy was saved but deleted within minutes however, they've cured that problem... Their server however, does the actual pdf conversion so you must be connected to the net to convert your script into a PDF.

Good luck with it!

Not sure about the PC side of things, but the mac has the option to turn out PDF's to send to others...although that may be through the PDF stuff built into the MacOS. RTF is a good cross platform format that retains its text formatting. Under the "Script" menu, "Export Script..." Both TXT and HTML work pretty well, the formatting comes through better in HTML though. If you intend for others to edit it, though, you should look into getting on project central ( ) and you can share your script through there with whomever you like...including limiting access to specific people.
Thanx again

Hey Filmy,

Thanx once again for all of your wonderful help towards me! I did EXACTLY what you said and it worked perfectly for me! You are awesome! I know that I'm a rookie but if there's ANYTHING that I can offer to you....YOU GOT IT!

thanx again,

Triple Threat