Thank You Members of IndieTalk

The 5 Minute Preview is not great by a long shot, but it is better now with the help of members here. So, I want to thank you for your help.

I am being realistic that I did the best I could with what I have to work with. And, I do think it may be of interest to The Asylum, Trauma Films, and even Roger Corman and his production company when they hear the budget I was working with to make the film; as well as the SyFy Network. As the series bible is developing, it should become more and more likely to interest producers interested in a series.

I do have plans to bring it to NATPE and hope for the best.

Thank you once again for your help.
You never know what the future holds, 'til you finally get there. :cool:

Keep on truckin', and yes... IndieTalk is awesome.
Hope you do well.

I wish you all the best for future endeavors.

Don't forget us little people when you make it big!
Thank you for your help and input. Your suggestions were useful. And, I do remember people.

As the music composer scoring the preview suggested, we won't leave any stone unturned to get the series on cable TV.

We will have different options available, including making the series one film at a time or package deal for a season at a time.

Right now, we need to work on creating a fan base as well to add value to the production.

There must be other ways other than just name talent.
I'm glad that you are making progress toward your goal of distribution. There isn't anything I can tell about how to gather support for your series that you don't already know. As Einstein said, "Genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration". You just have to pound the pavement and network your ass off. I hope to see it on SyFy soon.
Thanks Lucky Hardwood.

Some people from my day job suggested creating a viral video for YouTube. I think that is easier said than done. Some people also say Justin Beaver spam tagged his way to fame on YT.
Some people from my day job suggested creating a viral video for YouTube. I think that is easier said than done.

You're right on the money on that one. Easier said than done. Even the experts who are paid buckets of cash have a high failure rate in this department.
His success from spam tagging his videos onto very popular recording artists to gain popularity is something we should all take a page out of his play book to learn to gain more viewers and fans.