Terrence Malick's Tree of Life

For those of you who caught Black Swan over the weekend, did any of you see the teaser trailer for Terrence Malick's next film that played with it? What did you all think? It looked so visually stunning, every shot was beautifully molded - it's about time Malick comes out with something new! The trailer isn't online yet (aside from a bad cam version), but I'll update this with it as soon as I see it on firstshowing or /film or wherever.
Oh of course, don't even get me started about how much I thoroughly enjoyed Black Swan. It was a perfect companion piece to The Wrestler, in that they were almost polar opposites
I saw the full version of “The New World” (2hrs, 52min) In
Hollywood at the Cinerama Dome. They ran the full version once a
day starting at 10PM. People around me were leaving at just after
the 2 hour mark. I was inthralled the entire time. The pace just
mesmerized me - one of the few times I was really taken out of the
world and into the world of the movie.

In June 2007 I was working on a shoot in Death Valley, CA and
there was a big shoot going on near us. I didn’t find out until a
couple of days later it was “Tree of Life”. I would have wandered
over to watch.
The THIN RED LINE was a great movie, until Malick kept chopping it up. i saw an earlier cut on video. More Brody. Less whispering narration. It's a much better film than what he released. I still like the theatrical cut, mind you. But I loved the rough cut. Loved it. One of the best films I have ever seen.

New World snoozed me. Looked amazing, but I was falling asleep on it. Just so long and the same method of storytelling.

Tree Of Life looks like more of the same, but I'll go anyway.