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watch Teaser Trailers for Indie Films

Nice lookin' trailer, but about 80 seconds too long.

Sound's rather poor, especially when compared to the visual.

Lighting looks fantastic.
Very impressive!

This trailer blurs the line between a student film and a professional low budget production. Visually its almost there, with 80-90% of the shots looking brilliant with only a couple of tell-tales signs that its digital (motion issues mainly, but then Michael Mann's recent films have this). Its not a bad thing, but for most of this trailer I'm just looking at what's in the image rather than thinking 'that looks like it was shot on digital'. Totally subjective and I have no problem with it but it does bother some people. The sound too is a bit inconsistant but this sometimes is only a problem the trailer.

I'd watch the full film based on this so good job :D