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watch Teaser Trailer for my First Feature Film

That looks awesome, Would love to see the flick when it's released

I've heard of solutions like cinematographers taping the camera on top of bag or rice or flour. This gives the camera some weight and takes the shake off the edges of the frame. We shot hand held in the close ups of the actress dancing in the hallway. The footage was unusable until I used "smooth cam" effect in Final Cut Pro. The original footage is not that steady, but I also don't want to rely on stabilization effects in post production because they crop your image which means that you compromise your original framing. I've also used fig rigs, glide cams etc etc... But I really want to do is practice using a rig that allows the freedom of using hand-held camera, but one that weights the camera enough to give it a nice feathered look. Anyone else experiment with this idea at all?

Thanks again.

This is probably dumb on my side on account of being a newbie, but have you tried a DIY steadicam? there's heaps of tutes on youtube and the before and after video whos a big difference, this guy modifies his tripod to be one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW6AWmqa8ZM

Or one of those DIY cages like this one: http://cheesycam.com/cheesycam-exclusive-diy-dslr-cage-stabilizer/
LOVE THE TEASER.. get out of my mind!

yeah, mass helps a lot..

Strapped to a bag of rice? hum.. I can see how that could be good for the hip shots that I like for hand held... Shoulder cam seems to be the wrong height\angle for just about every shot I try it with..
Wow! Thanks a lot everyone. We put everything we had into this so it's nice to see that people like the look and feel of it.

Again, thanks for your kind words and support.
Wow! Thanks a lot everyone. We put everything we had into this so it's nice to see that people like the look and feel of it.

Again, thanks for your kind words and support.

Nope, sorry, you're not getting off that easy, wise-guy. It's been two months since you first posted this teaser. I believe an update of progress is due. Project moving along? I hope so, it looks intriguing, and it's beautifully shot.
@Cracker Funk - lol. nice one! Okay an update. Well truth be told it's been a very difficult journey. It's been over a year and a half in the making so far and script is moving slower than we wanted. We have a feature length script, but because we started production while the script was still in treatment stage, we took a risk hoping that we could lock the script by the time we were ready to shoot... But we've had to delay 2 times already because our script isn't quite ready yet.

As a smaller production we couldn't afford to option a script so writing as we went along seemed to look promising to us in theory (we gave ourselves 8 months to write a feature which seemed reasonable when we started). But at the end of the day, we don't just want to make a feature for the sake of making a feature.... We want our story (the heart of our project) to be as good as we can make it. This means we've been torturing ourselves during the pre-production process with script analysis meetings, outsourcing professional reviews, reading and rereading until we feel we have the story exactly where we want it. I know our team has the technical abilities and our actors are really really talented but the other important pillar, the story, needs to match or surpass the other elements. We're getting there, but like I said, it's just slower than we had hoped. So we're spending the time right now to re-evalute what's going to happen in the future. I'll have a better idea in the next month what the next step is and I'll post the update here.

Thanks again everyone for your support.
I don't have much to add to what has already been said, but the film looks like it will be stunning. As far as the screenplay goes, you could venture a visit to the screenplay section of this website and post it for feedback. I for one would be happy to read it and share my humble opinions.:)